Need alittle help with overclocking Nforce4 (using Abit NV8)


Mar 13, 2005
I have a s754 3000+ newcastle sitting on my workbench, and i want to use it, and overclock the bugger. I was just wondering if anyone know any info on how overclocking is on the nforce4 platform, and any information on the NV8 would be a big bonus.
Thank you for the response, but that link says nothing about overclocking on the nforce4 platform. I am trying to be platform specific, going off other users experiances.

Any help appreciated.
i did not know they make S754 Nforce 4 boards.

anyways taht link Russ gave u is great. platform be damned, Overclocking is basically the same on any board. the basic way of doing things are the same.
The only difference between NF3 and NF4 is the AGP vs. PCIe. So instead of locking the PCI bus at 33mhz and AGP at 66, you lock the PCIe at 100mhz. Everything else works the same way: the HTT, the multipliers, the voltages, etc.

Here's another guide in the AMD Processors section:
kirbyrj said:
The only difference between NF3 and NF4 is the AGP vs. PCIe. So instead of locking the PCI bus at 33mhz and AGP at 66, you lock the PCIe at 100mhz. Everything else works the same way: the HTT, the multipliers, the voltages, etc.

Just to note that the older nf3 250/250gb have a 800mhz htt, the nf3 ultras use the 1000mhz htt like the nf4. Other than these minor details, they are the same.

I am trying to be platform specific, going off other users experiances.

And having used/oc'd like hell on both platofrms, I can say there is nothing platform specific between them that will prevent you from using the links provided to help you oc. Based on my
experiences :D
SpoogeMonkey said:
Just to note that the older nf3 250/250gb have a 800mhz htt, the nf3 ultras use the 1000mhz htt like the nf4. Other than these minor details, they are the same.

I stand corrected :D .