Need caller id, voicemail, voice recording app for a land line.

Aug 6, 2008
I know there is Asterisk, but I need something for a friend of mine. He needs caller id, voicemail, and voice recording. There are tons out there for Windows, but it seems like rare in the Linux world. If you can recommend me few things, I would appreciate it.
TrixBox is really easy to setup and use. It also has a ton of features. The Sangoma U100 isn't to expensive either. Any solution short of a cheap Walmart phone is probably going to do more than need it to, but then you have the capability if and when you need it.
I know. You probably have noticed I said, this isn't for me. It is for a sale consultant. Anyway, thank you for your input.
Not meaning to take over the thread, but how do you convert an analog phone line (hardwired into your house) into a digital trunk? I know there are some adaptor cards, but I don't know what they are called.- like ATA or something like that. I was thinking about setting up an asterisk system, but I haven't had time recently. I would like a one or two line card.
