need default values for Diamond PRO 2070SB / HP p1230


Mar 8, 2008

last week I got an older p1230 crt monitor from my office for home use.
It was a bit de-focused, so I searched the net and so I managed to get into the advanced factory menu. There I've tried to get the focus problem solved...

However now I'm at the point where the sharpness isn't equal over the screen area. Looks really weird. And here comes my problem: I was too stupid and didn't write down the default values of these settings before playing with them, to get back to an acceptable sharpness.

So if anyone of you out there still has this monitor , please tell me your values for the focus related settings from the advanced menu. If you need to know how to get into that advanced menu, just let me know.

Also the following CRTs are known to be identical to mine:
Dell P1230
SGI C220-A

Thanks in advance,
Every CRT monitor is different. Copying settings from someone else's monitor is not going to help you. But if you're really stuck, let me know the specific page/settings you need and I'll copy them from my P1230.

FYI, there are 2 focus knobs inside the monitor on left or right side. Those can help a lot in cases where the menus are not enough to fix the problem.
Thank you for the answer!

I know the focus could be adjusted the hardware way too, but
1st) I havent found a good explanation for this model (trial and error wasn't successful on th esoftware side either..)
and 2nd) I would probably have to reverse the settings that I've screwed up in the OSD first.

So anyway here is what I need from the FACTORY-1 menu page:


In case you shouldn't know how to get into the service/factory menu, here is how.
Here are my FACTORY-1 Settings:

CPDIS - 001
PRDIS - 001
HVZER - 000
V-PUR - 07F
HPR-G - 080
DBF2T - 043
DBF2B - 048
DBF4T - 000
DBF4B - 000
VFOCS - 001
HFOCD - 024
SOG-E - 001
DIREC - 001
WPDDC - 000
HPURC - 000
VPURC - 000
6H-DC - 0DA

I might have tweaked some of these a few years ago but they should be close to factory. I did most of my adjustments with the internal controls. Sorry I can't remember most of the details but links were posted on this forum to the service manual.
Thanks a lot for the effort!

I've set these values, and now the screen looks like as it has been before.
I've also removed the plastic cover from the CRT for manual adjustment. However I cant find the described knobs.

So, here is how my sides look like,
Hmm... well, it's been over 4 years since I've been inside this thing but I belive the controls are on the left side (looking at the front of the screen). In your image "p1230_left.jpg" you can see a small hole on the bottom edge near the back of the monitor. It looks a little different than the ventilation holes around it and is a bit larger. I think that's where the controls are. You need a VERY long screwdriver to reach them. You may need to remove the shielding to get to them all. I think there are 3 controls in there: focus, dynamic focus (to adjust balance between left/rigth edges), and screen (G2) for background brightness level.

Sorry I can't be more helpful but I just don't remember. As I said previously, there was a discussion of this topic (and links to the service manual) posted on this forum a few years ago. You should be able to find them with the search feature. Try looking for the NEC 2070SB since it's the same monitor. Always try to mark the default positions of all controls before you change anything. Good luck!

Found it.
But unfortunately I didn't manage to improve the focus on that monitor. For me its impossible to remove the blurred corners without reintroducing some other de-focused areas.
I'll probably switch back to my 20" CRT until I'm going to buy a new PC with a 24" TFT.