Need For Speed Most Wanted POST YOUR CARS!

well im #2 on the Black list now hehe and my WRX is STILL owning every one ^^ i mean races arent even close

any one else get this far yet?
Elios said:
well im #2 on the Black list now hehe and my WRX is STILL owning every one ^^ i mean races arent even close

any one else get this far yet?

well i am #8 on the list but yea pretty much if u get the corners right in a race it dont matter what car u are in :p
logan1 said:
well i am #8 on the list but yea pretty much if u get the corners right in a race it dont matter what car u are in :p

#4, I quit for a while and went back to bf2 and cs:s, I think playing for two days straight kind of burned me out.
Misterzeno said:
#4, I quit for a while and went back to bf2 and cs:s, I think playing for two days straight kind of burned me out.
ya the game get to be boring at times as its more of the same ole same ole. but i keep myself entertained by racing like a big bully, pushing the others guys cars into walls and on coming traffic etc, then wait for his to catch up and do it again, works especially well in tunnels and solid medians.
logan1 said:
ya the game get to be boring at times as its more of the same ole same ole. but i keep myself entertained by racing like a big bully, pushing the others guys cars into walls and on coming traffic etc, then wait for his to catch up and do it again, works especially well in tunnels and solid medians.

lol, I do that to the cops.

I have gotten to level 5 wanted 3 times but only evaded them once, anyone else had more luck, those corvettes are impossible to out run, and the suv road block is SICK
Circuitbreaker8 said:
Uh guys...I was looking through the manual today at EB Games, and the Vette C6R is in the game?!
The real C6R...

Just doesn't fit in with this game ;)
miguelsantana said:
beat it 100% career :) using the Cobalt and won 10 cars by pinkslip

I don't know why, but the Cobalt is an awesome car in the game. I haven't figured out why they made it that way. I bring out the Supra for extremly high speed stuff, but I use the Cobalt for most tasks and objectives. Especially the Police stuff. I've never been caught with it. Unlike the Supra, which I've got two impound strikes against.
Sir-Fragalot said:
I don't know why, but the Cobalt is an awesome car in the game. I haven't figured out why they made it that way. I bring out the Supra for extremly high speed stuff, but I use the Cobalt for most tasks and objectives. Especially the Police stuff. I've never been caught with it. Unlike the Supra, which I've got two impound strikes against.
How bout this one, a Ford Crown Vic police cruiser that can keep up with a 180 mph 'vette, Viper, etc!? That's one of those things that has always bothered me about NFS games...still love it though... ;)
Sharkzf6 said:
How bout this one, a Ford Crown Vic police cruiser that can keep up with a 180 mph 'vette, Viper, etc!? That's one of those things that has always bothered me about NFS games...still love it though... ;)

It's funny because I can outrun those in the Cobalt, and then whenever the computer wants to they can just speed ahead of me.

Of course as a bonus, their cars are very easy to smash and disable, while our cars are not. They only lose paint and get cracked glass. :D
Misterzeno said:
lol, I do that to the cops.

I have gotten to level 5 wanted 3 times but only evaded them once, anyone else had more luck, those corvettes are impossible to out run, and the suv road block is SICK

If you find that hard, wait untill you beat #1 on the blacklist and get thrown into a level 6 pursuit in that lousy(compared to the ride I had at the time) BMW M3...

Terra - That took me 2 tries...because of the way you have to end the pursuit ;)
Terra said:
If you find that hard, wait untill you beat #1 on the blacklist and get thrown into a level 6 pursuit in that lousy(compared to the ride I had at the time) BMW M3...

Terra - That took me 2 tries...because of the way you have to end the pursuit ;)
try playing challenge 69(?) the black edition challenge, where you get thrown in a level 7 pursuit. shit is hard. i beat it though it took a while.
challenge 69 is a blast and difficult , but you have to do 500,000 damage and evade .those points rack up fast ...
I thought 69 was pretty easy however the camaro didn't turn so get points so fast in level 7 though
Level 7...... AHHHH
I am only at level 4 and I find it is almost imposible to make them leave you alone, when I do get away, it is always luck!

The god damn Rhinos! They can be great for missing you and hitting the cops behind you, but they always come at the worst time!

Also I am finding my self hitting "RESET" all the time because I felt that I was busted unfairly!

Level 7 seems scary!
Sir-Fragalot said:
Unlike the Supra, which I've got two impound strikes against.

Same I've been caught 2-3 times with the damn Supra! Now I think it's crap. :( And, I've never been caught with any other cars.

Thank god I had some "get out of jail for free" cards. :D
Majin said:
Level 7 seems scary!

So crazy in fact, that I have completed the game and have yet to see it! :rolleyes:

Even the final pursuit after defeating the #1 blacklist is a level 5... level 7 is just BS.
Majin said:
Level 7...... AHHHH
I am only at level 4 and I find it is almost imposible to make them leave you alone, when I do get away, it is always luck!

The god damn Rhinos! They can be great for missing you and hitting the cops behind you, but they always come at the worst time!

Also I am finding my self hitting "RESET" all the time because I felt that I was busted unfairly!

Level 7 seems scary!
woah...does that avoid the bust? reseting?
skeeder said:
woah...does that avoid the bust? reseting?

If you get busted and you don't want to accept it.
Hit RESET, Before that dashboard cam fottage is over (and the game auto saves)
U HAX0R said:
Same I've been caught 2-3 times with the damn Supra! Now I think it's crap. :( And, I've never been caught with any other cars.

Thank god I had some "get out of jail for free" cards. :D

I know what you mean, My first Car (Golf) never did I get busted ever.
I won the supra and was caught 6 times!
It was really fast, but one it stopped, it was too slow to start up again, and just spins and spins!
Majin said:
I know what you mean, My first Car (Golf) never did I get busted ever.
I won the supra and was caught 6 times!
It was really fast, but one it stopped, it was too slow to start up again, and just spins and spins!

I hate when the cars do that the supra has it bad the vette also does it.
I keep dialing that number to get me a pizza ...but no answer


lol, got to drive that in #41 from the challenge series, I notice that all cars that are seen in the roads can be driven even the cops.
Night Fox said:
So crazy in fact, that I have completed the game and have yet to see it! :rolleyes:

Even the final pursuit after defeating the #1 blacklist is a level 5... level 7 is just BS.
if you have the black edition of NFSMW then challenge 69 will throw yuo in a level 7.
Hey everyone here are my car I poster before but alittle different, plus I brought a Vauxhall Monaro and mod that alittle also, tell me what you think if them.

Cobalt SS

Vauxhall Monaro XVR

The Vauxhall is one powerfull car and just sounds awesome, take a few seconds to move off where I am :D and its not even fully load with all of the performance gear @ level 2 stuff.

Also on the Cobalt I am thinking of changing the spoiler or wing what ever you prefer.

well here are my cars so far. I really like simple solid colors and it shows.







also just bought the Austa Martin DB9 but its fully stock as i dont have any money left in the game, will post updated later. :D
W00T finally beat #1, that level 6 chase in the bmw lol. So now I got lotsa cash and a few backroom markers, which supercar is the best to use them on? I already have the Merc...
I just got $800,000+ Bounty and did almost $600,000 in property dmg. in a pursuit, 43 Mins long at level 4.

My fingers are so raw right now!
It took me 43 f-in mins to get away from these bastards, it was silly, I would smash through all the roadblocks and get rid of the tails, then the heli would show up again.

I will have to check my records but I think I destroyed something like 100 police cars... LOL
Majin said:
I just got $800,000+ Bounty and did almost $600,000 in property dmg. in a pursuit, 43 Mins long at level 4.

My fingers are so raw right now!
It took me 43 f-in mins to get away from these bastards, it was silly, I would smash through all the roadblocks and get rid of the tails, then the heli would show up again.

I will have to check my records but I think I destroyed something like 100 police cars... LOL

Do me a favor and give me a screen of that...WOW :D

You've got stamina my friend...
I'll be glad too, if I remember when I get off work.

I got so fucking lucky a few times.
After I went through about 20 Pursuit breakers and they were still coming I got back on the north highway loop and just drove around and around and around, dodging spikes, smashing through roadblocks.

The closest they got to busting me was something around min 20 and I was on the highway loop and ran into a K9 unit SUV Block, The SUV flipped up on its side and I flew over like a jump, The cars following me also started to smash into the block and flew up into the air behind and past me. I came down nose first and knew I was fucked! Just as I was about to be busted I got nailed by another flying car and smashed right through the other cars and just made it away before I was busted. I sware I think I started to sweat after that!

Is there any way to record whats happening, cause I had some AWESOME shit happen to me and I would love to put a video in here for you guys to watch.

Has anybody else acheived this speed?


bwahahha, if you can't tell why, take a break from gaming for a few days. Gather your scruples and then come back.
Kortiz DZ said:

Has anybody else acheived this speed?


Thats imposible!
The city doesn't have any stright away that would allow your car to get that kind of speed. Also, all the mods in the game on the fastest car couldn't allow you to get that kind of speed.
