Need for speed, most wanted.


Sep 30, 2003
Am I the only person that finds this game quite difficult? I am thoroughly surprised at how hard it is to evade police once you hiy condition 5. I was able to beat FEAR in less than 9 hours and I have been play NFSMW for about 5 days now and im only 54% completed. Just wow.

Evading the cops can really be a handful. I've tried and failed to achieve the last two milestones for Blacklist #3 6 or 7 times now! I always get ended by either being boxed in after ramming (and getting stopped by) a roadblock or getting pushed up on top of other cop cars, which puts me at a standstill.
use the bullet time helps a lot when you come up on a road block to dodge spikes. Also, theres one cool down spot you can go to that will hide you any time...its the one in the city where you pull into a small square aly and hide behind something like a dumpster. the cops wont pull in there...most of the time.
I had over 2 million bounty in a single run before I finally got pushed on the top of a cop car and got busted. That will piss you off.

best place to lose cops in (when there not swarming)

in the part where the hospital is, if you go up that steep ramp to the left at the very bottom, many cops can't go through at once, its a bottleneck, then you go up to the left around that curve and the drop down ONE level onto the helo pad.

some cops may follow you down, 1-2 maybe 3, but they can be easily pushed off the edge if your a good enough driver. then just sit back in the corner till you evade :p

of course its a matter of getting there first thats tough.....

note: ive tested this up till level 3, while i was doing level 3 once i was bumped to heat level 4, so it might work on that too....but ive never tried it on 5. gotten busted before i got there

warning: on higher heat levels (4-5) the cops will most certainly put a roadblock on that curved road you need to go on to get up there. and it will most likely be SUVs, if so..your fucked, cus your not going fast enough to get through......
If you get to the bus station and get on top of the busses and just wait there, the cops will jump and ram and kill each other until your bounty goes up and up and up and then when you feel like you've had enough you can reverse out of sight of the cops and cooldown there. It really works
I think the suv's roll easier when you hit them

If I'm going for bounty points ..I usually just loop around on the highway ..that way you have plenty of room to manuver usually and enough speed to ram the road blocks..

I'm only ranked 11th on blacklist still using the cobalt and on level 3 so far tho

I'm about ready to beat my head against the wall at the moment.

I'm at the the #1 guy. All that stands between me and violating him is ONE milestone. Just one. All I need is one. Either 13 minute pursuit, 800k bounty, or... like 32 cars hit.

I can't do it. Three attempts, 30 minutes+ of my time, and I get busted EVERY time.

I mean, it's like magic. One second, you can ram through even a SUV roadblock and keep trucking. You'll have passed through 12 or more of the stupid things without any worries. But the SECOND YOU GET THE STUPID MILESTONE AND WANT TO ESCAPE, it's "oops! looks like you drove up onto that guy OR flipped over OR got stopped cold by the SUVs OR somehow got boxed in by regular police."

It's irksome. I know I can get away, I've done it plenty times before, but it's.. argh.

Doesn't help that even if you get Evade mode, unless you're literally on top of a hide zone 2-3 more cars will spawn 300 yards ahead...

Oh well, off to try.. again... ::mumble::
Right now I am on #4 on the blacklist and achieving bounty is becoming very hard to do. Those SUV's dont seem to move much even when I hit them going $180 in my Gallarado. I dont know, it just seems difficult to me.

Ah, figured out the gimmick.

Hit a SUV roadblock at 180mph normally, get stopped cold.

Hit a SUV roadblock at 180mph right as you hit the "Speedbreaker" silly key, watch as your car magically impales its way through the block.

At times it does get difficult. It's ESPECIALLY annoying when you have a HUGE bounty, then get busted . . .

The one thing I can NEVER seem to do, unless I'm doing something wrong, is pull off a nice, smooth 180* turn. I can only get the car to spin 90*, then I have to accelerate and turn to complete the 180. I have only once been driving straight, hit the brakes and some other key combo and pulled a flawless 180 to where I only had to go straight.

Does anyone know what the secret to pulling a "perfect" 180 is?
im in the same dillemma, i can;t get it perfect, but i can only do it from a stand still, even then its iffy,

and im talking about a 180 in place, like just spin around, (not reall yin place, but yea)

180s, as in U turns, are easy, get down to about 80 on the highway ,30 on a normal street, and turn

you know what id like....a free roam mode, where you can get any car with any upgrades you want, similar to the quick race mode, but you get to just cruise around, no cops, and instead of career challenges scattered about the world, throw in the challenges from the challenge series....



ps. the blacklist exclusive challenge is a bitch, i just CAN'T evade in that GOD DAMN car (what is it again? :duh:, something SS)
It seems easier to plow through roadblocks if you're using a heavier car such as the Aston Martin DB9 or the Dodge Viper.

I've been in many level 5 pursuits. So far I've only gotten busted on about 3 of them...and those friggin' C6-R's are EVERYWHERE...including spawning right in front of you when you've been at 5 for awhile and are STILL evading. I had one that lasted for about 35 minutes at level 5. 3.2million for bounty, and I completed EVERY milestone and bounty I needed for the Blacklist #2 guy...I finally evaded them by using the bullet time deal, raming the side of a car carrier truck, then a logging truck (must have been sheer luck they were both within close proximity of each other), and then smashed the nitro up the highway. The point I lost them was when I cut off the highway and into a parking garage type of place. I'm not quite sure where exactly it was at, football stadium maybe? but the only reason I got away was because I totalled the only other cop that was in front of me (spun him and then just mashed him into the wall for a ways).

I had to take a break after that one. Fingers hurt like hell. But I did it in the Aston Martin. I tried in the Carrera GT and the SLR (that slr seemed to plow through road blocks easy too) but kept getting busted while trying to take off from a stand still (tires spun for eternity).

Now I'm stuck trying to finish this guy off and I've got 3 more races to go before challenging him.
for roadblocks, if its a non SUV car, go as fast as possible and hit the back side fo the car, aime lefot or righto f the rear wheel, it will cause the car to swing in a 360 and flip over and you will most likely destroy the vehicle and get through the block...

for SUV roadblocks, i hit the front side of the car, or ram right through the center of the car and hope for the best.
^^ its the same for SUVs, hit the back. the front seems to weigh 10 million pounds (literally) more than the back, hell even the GTOs them damn cops drive seem to weigh that much when you hit the front....
The best is when you ram through a block going 235 and send 5 cops cars FLYING. Im serious too. I did this several times. As soon as I ram blocks, I hit my bullet time shit and look back behind my car to see every car I hit (usually 3-5) 30 feet off the ground doing flips and rolls. Its soooo kick ass.
Converge said:
The best is when you ram through a block going 235 and send 5 cops cars FLYING. Im serious too. I did this several times. As soon as I ram blocks, I hit my bullet time shit and look back behind my car to see every car I hit (usually 3-5) 30 feet off the ground doing flips and rolls. Its soooo kick ass.

I am going to have to totally agree. Visually, this game looks superb.

I usually hit the bullet time thing too soon when I'm coming up to road blocks. I usually make it through but end up wasting half of the bullet time getting to the road block.

I use the bullet time a lot during races though, especially on those 90º turns. And I'm pretty good at doing 180º turns too using it. The trick is to turn on the bullet time stat your turn and wait for the car to slide, then downshift once and turn off the bullet time. It's generally enough to pull you out of the slide and get you moving straight. Sometimes though you have to downshift once more after you turn off the bullet time to get your RPMs up enough to move. That tactic has gotten me out of several chases.
what are you guys using for controllers?

steering wheel?
erebus1 said:
what are you guys using for controllers?

steering wheel?

keyboard all the way man! I heard that a lot of wheel setups don't work right in this game. I have a friend that won't buy the game at all since his wheel don't work. But then again...I told him it was his dumbass fault for buying some off-brand setup. I don't remember what the name was, but it's definately not a MS, Logitech, or PS/Xbox setup.
I found the best way to evade cops, get them all behind you, go to the stadium, crash through the poles so the things fall on the cops, if you have those really huge SUVS following you, you can get like 500k bounty. Go into the stadium, out the other side and into the hiding spot. Or you can just stay in the stadium. I did the last challenge mission in a little less then 3 minutes using that tactic. 580k bounty.

Also, try using N20 to get out of a slow mo slide.
I've finished the game quite a while ago , still playing to get 100%.

It seems to me that evading the cops is no problem if they aren't dangerous in the first place.
I take them down to this place:


Very fast route , wide road with few blind spots (for spikes...) and it's very close to a safe house.
I use all the forks to lose most of the cops extremely easily.
I had a 43 minutes pursuit in that place :) , but then the &^%&* game kicked me to desktop just as the cooldown meter ended......
Current best logged = 31mins of lvl5 , 4965000 bounty with a 911 turbo -- without using a single pursuit breaker.

The only problem with that route is that the lack of breakers means I destroy extremely few police cars (those 'vettes are very strong) and it leads to relatively small cost to state.
In the 31min pursuit , I only destroyed 13 cars , out of the 222 deployed....