Need [H] advice.. will this overload my PSU?

Sep 8, 2005
With my rig in my sig.... :) , if I add two WD 1.5TB hard drives will my Corsair PSU be able to keep up with it?

Thanks for any advice,

Hey Danny,

Thanks for the reply, but I don't know if you mean 'yes' it will handle it, or no it will overload it.

Sorry, I should have worded the post better, the title is the opposite of the message 'body' question....

Hey Danny,

Thanks for the reply, but I don't know if you mean 'yes' it will handle it, or no it will overload it.

Sorry, I should have worded the post better, the title is the opposite of the message 'body' question....


He meant "Yes" as in "that 750TX will handle the two additional drives". The two additional HDDs add no more than about 25W combined even when reading or writing.