Need help! - 8800GTS, no signal


Nov 14, 2005
Hi friends, having a problem with my video card.

I rebuilt my computer tonight and when I put everything back together I forgot to plug in the 6-pin for my 8800GTS. When I booted up I heard this loud shrill emitting from my box. I've never heard such an unholy noise from a computer before. I never left it running for more than 10 seconds while I tried to figure out what it was. Once I determined it was a low-power warning from the card I plugged the 6-pin in and booted it back up.

But now I'm not getting a video signal anymore. I pulled the card out and reseated it, but that didn't help. No signal.

I can't imagine I killed the card just from not having the 6-pin plugged in. But I'm a loss as to what it could be. Any thoughts?
Might be your motherboard. I recently replaced my motherboard because my old one was shorted out somehow when I swapped RAM. Test out the card in another machine to be sure.