Need Help after Apple repair


May 27, 2008
Ok so I just got my MacBook Pro 13" back from the Apple store after they replaced my screen and a cracked j key (dont ask) all that matters is that it was all replaced for free under warranty.

But anyway back to my issue, it seems that they removed my hard drive icons from my desktop and for some reason I can't 2 finger or "right" click when on the desktop. Does anyone know how to fix this issue? But the weird thing is that once I open a program or even Finder I can right click in there.

EDIT: Just found out I can't add icons to my desktop at all.
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Click your desktop then press Command+J. Make sure icons are turned on.
finder > preferences > general

check the appropriate boxes.

try repairing disk permissions and resetting the pram. always worth a shot.
finder > preferences > general

check the appropriate boxes.

try repairing disk permissions and resetting the pram. always worth a shot.
Did that just before you said it (just came to my mind) and after a reboot it all worked again. Many thanks guys.
just curious, was it the disk permissions, pram, or finder preferences?
I think it was combination of the disk permissions and a good reboot, I don't actually know if I cleared the PRAM the instructions were very vague, and Finder preferences meant nothing because they were all checked off (as in so they would be visible), I really think it was the disk permissions and a reboot.