Need Help!! BSOD!


Sep 4, 2007
Ok guys, yesterday I built my new comp, heres the thread:

Whenever I try and install a Driver for either the video card or the mobo it BSOD's, infact it doesn't want to install DirectX at all.

I've tried almost everything, reinstalled vista 32-bit twice, tried using another CPU, tried another Video card, tried another set of RAM... still BSOD's. I even tried both of my 500GB drives.
I'm pretty certain that it's the motherboard thats causing the problem.
I've tried just one stick of memory, tried each slot of memory. Tried all three PCIe slots for the video card. But to no avail, I still get BSOD's.
I know it's not the Video card or the RAM or the CPU thats causing the problem. And I'm pretty sure it's not the PSU thats causing problems, I've got all the right connections and more power than needed.

I'm going to try vista one more time and install all the windows updates first, and if that fails then well.... I dunno.
But if I can get all the windows updates installed, then I'm going to start with the mobo drivers, then the video drives and so on and so forth.
If vista still BSOD's then I'm going to try installing XP 32-bit and see if it BSOD's in XP.

Here is the BSOD that I get, it's always the same:

Yesterday I worked on trying to fix this problem from 2:30PM to 10PM....
Do you guys think I should try using an IDE DVD drive and IDE HD?
What do ya'll suggest I do?
D1.. nvstor.sys... uninstall the NVIDIA HDD Controller drivers. Use Driver Cleaner Pro. Also, you could try deleting your pagefile, re-start, create a new pagefile, restart, and see if the problem persists. You could also DL, burn, and run memtest86+ v2.01 overnight.
D1.. nvstor.sys... uninstall the NVIDIA HDD Controller drivers. Use Driver Cleaner Pro. Also, you could try deleting your pagefile, re-start, create a new pagefile, restart, and see if the problem persists. You could also DL, burn, and run memtest86+ v2.01 overnight.

I'll try that, thank you!

you are doing a fresh install and format each time, right?

Yes, each time I installed I partitioned and formated the drive.
They look fine, the 12V is a bit low but still well within limits. Have you tried the barebones approach?