Need help building a computer.


Limp Gawd
Aug 3, 2004
I used to work at a LAN center and be into all this stuff but over the last year or two I lost a lot of interest but its time for me to get a new computer and I don't know too much about the latest hardware and was hoping someone could help me out.

I'm in canada, looking to spend about 800-1000 dollars. (CDN)

I'm lookin to run HL2 + mods, maybe Quake4, BF2, etc.
Need lots of storage 120GB+
Other than that it doesn't need to be too spectacular, i basically play a few games, download music n shit, use msn and browse the net.

If someone could possibly give me some ideas for mobo/proc/vid card/ram thatd be great. Its hard to pick hardware on a budget if you havent been keepin up with everything ;D.

Thanks in advance to anyone who wants to help.
Get a Core2Duo E6300. Pair that with a 965P Express based board, like the GA-965P-DS3 (or the S3) or the Foxconn P9657AA-8KS2H. For the ram, get the cheapest 2GB kit you can find (DDR2-533/667/800, whichever of the 3 you like for the price). Don't worry over cas latency, since the speed of ddr2 makes up for the high latency cas timings. For the vidcard, you could either get the X1950Pro, 7600GT, or wait for some dx10 cards to become affordable. Finally, get the Seagate 7200.10 320gb sata300 hdd... its fast and only $95USD.
no prob... I'd pick the parts for you, but thats half the fun! Also, I'm not too sure you have many etailer options when it comes to shipping to canada, so I don't know where to shop for you, hehe.

Some reading material: - G80 news (due out nov 7th? around there) - chipset stuff - chipset/mem stuff - mem stuff - cpu stuff - cpu stuff - cpu/chipset stuff - midrange mobo review - gpu comparison - gpu comparison

Since you don't game much, you'll be fine with a 7600GT. Then you can upgrade later to a dx10 card (in about 6-12mo).