Need help buying headphones


Mar 16, 2007
So, I realized that I listen to too much music and movies to warrant keeping the POS earbuds that come with the iPod as my only means of listening. So having said that I decided that I'm going to purchase a new pair of headphones, and NOT earbuds, for generally they irritate me. Considering I am not an audiophile at all, I am coming here for some help in selecting the right pair. I am looking spend around $100 with a variable price range, but I am on the college budget so unless its really worth it, I'd like to keep around $100 in mind.

My general uses are watching movies/tv shows on my laptop, listening to music on my laptop, and listening to my iPod. Nothing too hardcore.

The sets that I had in mind which came heavily recommended by classmates and such were the following:

Sennheiser 595
Sennheiser 555
Audio Technica A700 or A900 or the AD700 or the AD900. I still don't quite understand the difference between A700 and the AD700 and I was hoping someone could expain. I realized that one is open air and the other is entirely closed, but from reading reviews they both noise cancel relatively well.
Beyerdynamic DT 770 Pro-80

Oh, I should also mention I'd prefer the headphones to noise cancel decently, so I realize that a closed cup is therefore recommened, but comfort and sound are the number one priorities.

So, I was hoping someone who has either used the above headphones, or knows anything considerable about headphones could help in aiding my purchase, for I no basically next to nothing.

Currently I was leaning towards the AD700s for both look, and apparent sound quality. Yes, look does matter a bit to me for I'll probably use them for my iPod, and that does matter to some extent.

Anyways any help is appreciated, and I thank any and all aid in advance!
The Sennheiser 280 Pro's will only cost you ~$70 and cancel noise really well...but some don't care for their sound.

For the $100 point, you have a bunch of options. The Grado SR60/SR80 are traditional favorites as well, but not closed. I'm slightly Sennheiser biased though.

Things to keep in mind:

1) Are the phones comfortable to wear for long periods of time?
2) Are they sturdy / long-cabled?
3) Do they need amplification, or will my soundcard / ipod drive them well enough?

Welcome to the slippery audio-purchasing slope...see ya in a couple hundred dollars ;)
start with the 555s. They are tough, pretty good sounding(waaaaaaaaaaaaay better than the earbuds) and will play fine out of whatever. They are quality phones for the $$ the rest on your list will cost more. They are open but that won't really bother you or anyone else out of an ipod b/c they won't get but so loud. The AudioTechnicas are cool but are huge earmuff phones that are better for gaming than music.
I own the A700's and I cannot recommend them for portability or looks because they are rather large. However, they are very good for sitting around listening for extended periods because they are very comfortable. They do a fairly good job of cancelling noise being that they are closed. I believe that the AD700's are the same size, so I'm not sure if you want to be walking around with something that big on your head.

I haven't used any of the other phones though.

However, you could go with something big for sitting around and then buy some KSC75's for portability. They won't cancel out noise though.
However, you could go with something big for sitting around and then buy some KSC75's for portability. They won't cancel out noise though.

Do this! I recently upgraded to a pair of Grado SR-60s for home use, and some KSC75s for my Zune. Fantastic combination, though if noise-canceling is important for you, feel free to substitute the Grados with something else.

Also, if you're looking for some excellent headphone forums, go to It's one heckuva resource for all things headphone; they'll be able to recommend the right set for you much better than here.

Good luck, and let us know which you choose!;)