need help choosing a new phone


May 14, 2007
Well, I made the mistake of buying the new Sprint Upstage phone from Sanyo back in May. I am now on my third phone, about to be on my fourth. Sprint doesn't want to help me, and I'm getting frustrated, and would change accounts if it wasn't under my mom's name. I need help picking out a new phone. I would really like a smartphone, but I'm unsure of some of them.

I've looked at the Motorola Q's, and I like the new ones, but I'm not sure if they offer them for Sprint.
I've also looked at the blackberry's, and they look decent, but don't have a camera on them.

I'm looking for one with expandable memory, a camera, doesn't have to have GPS, maybe Windows Mobile 6.

I'm hoping to spend under 500 dollars. 450 sounds about right. Any suggestions?
UTStarcom 6700 aka XV6700 aka PPC6700 aka HTC Apache

Just upgraded mine to WM6 with the build from

You WILL NOT be disappointed.
Do you have yours through Sprint?

I went to their website and it seems that they only offer the Mogul now. Makes me kinda sad, since I read reviews and looked the 6700 up and down. I really liked it.
If you are looking at a smart phone I would go with either a Treo 755 or a Motorola Q. Sprint sadly has a limited selection; if it was a GSM carrier you could atleast have the option of buying unlocked. As far as deciding which phone you like from there I would look at the interface and decide if you want a Palm OS or Windows. There is the Treo 700 with Windows, however, I find the Q a better choice with windows simply because of the size.