need help choosing external drive

Dec 6, 2007
I am in the market for a 1tb external hard drive to house my music/movies/software/crap so I can use one of my internal drives to run windows7. Does anyone have a good recommendation as to what to buy? My internal drives are all WD, they have not failed me yet, but I don't know if they make good external drives. Any help is appreciated! thanks!
My feeling on externals is that you can pick whatever is cheapest of a name you can trust. If reliability is your biggest concern then buying one that has a long warranty is generally a good idea because that indicates the manufacturer expects the drive to last a long time.
I personally watch the feed here to make my buying decisions

while its not a 'steal' at 130.00 you can pick up the seagate 1.5TB external drive. (w/ 5yrs warranty) I know they had some firmware issues out of the gate but the word around the net is that they are solid as ever now.
If I needed a single external drive, I would be buying one of these.

A word of advice ahead of a situation like this is to make sure that anything that is irreplaceable to you gets backed up before you transfer it to that new drive. Hard drives do tend to fail either A. when they are brand new or B. when they have reached the end of their warranty (hopefully the manufacturer guessed right on the MTBF) Too many horror stories that I know to share them all but just make sure you have the stuff thats important to you (photos & documents for most people) burnt to DVD or somewhere safe offsite.