Need help deciding on tools please!


Limp Gawd
Mar 7, 2004
I need a few more specialized tools to do everything I have in mind to my case.

IC Extractor / Inserter. Is this the same as a molex extractor tool?
Any ideas on who I should buy from?
I'm not looking for cheap, but it definitely doesn't need to be Snap-On either.
IC extractors are for taking chips out of sockets. They are useful when working with chips, but generally if you are doing the kind of work that requires an IC extractor than you will know what it is. Molex connector pin removal tools are something completely different. They remove the pins from the power connectors. I don't know of any place in particular that carries these, but any decent electronics supply house should have them for a reasonable price.
Originally posted by jpmkm
generally if you are doing the kind of work that requires an IC extractor than you will know what it is.

Yea are you sure you know what you want here? I can't think anyone that needs to remove more than a few chips (can be done with fingers quite easily) that dosen't know the difference between an IC extractor and a molex extractor.
Originally posted by IYIENACE
I need a few more specialized tools to do everything I have in mind to my case.

IC Extractor / Inserter. Is this the same as a molex extractor tool?
Any ideas on who I should buy from?
I'm not looking for cheap, but it definitely doesn't need to be Snap-On either.

unless you extract/insert IC's all the time, dont bother with those tools.

When I use IC's for my engineering courses, I usually slide a small wire under it and pull it out. A great and simple way to do it.

Originally posted by eternalspire
Yea are you sure you know what you want here? I can't think anyone that needs to remove more than a few chips (can be done with fingers quite easily) that dosen't know the difference between an IC extractor and a molex extractor.

Well it occurred to me after posting what the IC extractor was, I knew I had read it somewhere before.
And to answer your question, my wires are currently hidden behind the mobo panel and drive bays. When I take everything back apart this week to do all the mods that I have been planning and install the WC stuff etc., part of what I had decided to do was go all out trying to hide every visible wire in my case.
To make this as easy as possible, researching led me to molex extractor tools (and their cost)
This further led me to begin searching for a tool set that might include all of the tools I will need. I have a lot of tools including air tools & rollout etc. But I wasn't familiar with these tools. I don't recall ever needing to buy an IC extractor to swap transmissions or rebuild motors...
I noticed many tool sets come with IC extractors so I wondered if this was what I needed or would I still need to buy a $14.00 miniature tool for a one-time deal.

Now, being that I'm not an idiot - obviously I don't need an IC extractor or inserter as I doubt I will need to swap any chips other than the one marked "Intel." Which as was mentioned, yeah just use your fingers. :rolleyes:

Now I felt embarrassed for asking...and I started to just delete the thread entirely.
But tell me, do you feel it necessary to make me out to be an idiot for simply asking a question about a computer repair specialty tool - in a computer forum? .:confused:

You may not believe this, but not everyone knows what an IC extractor is for.
I appreciate the feed back and now I know that I will be better off either buying or renting the tool.

I'm not trying to offend anyone, but am I expected to know the answer to a question before I ask it?
Didn't mean to be rude about it I just wanted to make sure you understand what you are talking about before you run around trying to find one. I'm well aware people come here to have their questions answered and I try to help people as much as I can. There are other chips besides computer processors that can be removed by hand. In fact all processors that you can use an IC extractor on should be able to be removed by hand. The only person I can imagine that would need to go out and get an IC extractor would be a pretty busy lab tech. That is the point I was trying to make.
i think people where just trying to look out for you here, if you didnt know the diffrence between the two tools you probably didnt know what you where doing with them, and it turns out they had a point, i think people just didnt whant to see you post that you pulled your chips and dont know what goes where or something...

if you just whant to pull out molex get a small skrew driver or a sterdy pin, and just push the two tabs on every conector in, (4 in each molex, 8 little tabs total) and slide it out

good luck
I don't think that you will be able to find a place that can rent a molex extractor to you. Though if you can find one I would be most impressed. I would however suggest small ID copper tubing as a slightly more sophisticated tool than a small screwdriver for this purpose. Though the exact sive of tubing might take some trial and error. I would suggest getting the smallest you can find, and squishing it down if it is too big.
Hey everyone, thanks for the suggestions and everything. Sorry I got a little case of redass but I suppose it's my fault for asking the ignorant question. :D
I found one for 9 bux, and since I plan to really get involved with modding it's probably a good investment.
I also bought a dremel multipro and soldering kit lol. Anyone want to take bets on how badly I fry my p4c800 e dlx trying to vdimm & droop mod (and volt mod my hercules 9800 pro) :eek:

I ain't scared.

Ok maybe a little.