Need help finding a cheap and small second monitor


Jan 10, 2008
I'm looking for a sub 20" widescreen monitor that can I can set up in portrait mode next to my nec 2090 that I got off a recomnedation from here (wish I bought 2 :( ). I'd like to spend less than $150 so used and refurbed are fair game. I don't really care how accurate the colors are or if the viewing anfles are good, I just need some extra pixels for web browsers, itunes, bit torrent and the like, my NEC can take care of the rest. Any ideas? let me know.

Microsoft has the 25% cashback going on for eBay. I just got a Dell 2007FP for less than $150. Good stuff.
Sure. Essentially go to (MS search engine) then search something like Xbox360 or Blu-Ray. Then one of the first links will be for ebay which will have a green logo that says cashback. Click that link and search for your monitor. It only works for buy-it-now, and you get the money back in form of paypal or a check in the mail after 60 days. I believe this is how the system works. I trust MS, so I think my $38 is safe with them.
Don't worry, the % off fluctuates. It may go up or down or completely gone...

Still with 15% you should be able to snatch a nice 17-19 monitor that does 1440 x 900 and then maybe get a decent mount for it to rotate it.