Need help finding a LAPPING kit


Limp Gawd
Apr 18, 2007
Hi I need help finding a decent lapping kit for my Tuniq tower 120 and possibly CPU.
I live in Canada and would like to know where i can get wet sandpapers of different grits (200,400,600,800,1000, 1500, 2000) I've checked palces like home depot, walmart etc. all they have are 200, 400, 600 ones. Expert help appreciated. :rolleyes:
home depot and those stores only carry up to 600 grit, they suck. go to your local autoparts store and they will have everything you need in the paint secton, usualy up to 2500 grit
i dunno that store but any place that carries car paint, bondo, epoxy and stuff should have sand paper too. if you cant find a place that sells it go to your local mechanic and ask, they will definitely know where to find it
Let us know how it goes and also be sure your measure your before/after temps.
I made a lapping kit out of stuff I found at Walmart in the automotive department. I got everything from 600 grit to 1500 grit (2000 grit = back of 1500 grit paper :D ) and it costs very little, I think I spent less than $20.