Need help, forgot password to WHS :/


Nov 11, 2009
i had to reformat my PC and i have been trying to log into whs to install the connector software but i forgot the password. there was no other pc with access to whs. not sure what to do any safe way to reset password

aslo is the admin login -- Administrator or was it somthign else lol dumb question i know sorry :/

going on no sleep atm so my mind is a total blank, have tired everything i could the last few days :/
ty i will try that tomorw for sure i am to dam tired atm gona go sleep
lol I used that tool like 12 years ago when some knob at work (boss) decided to lock down our workstations. Let us know if it still works. Love Microsoft "security".
lol I used that tool like 12 years ago when some knob at work (boss) decided to lock down our workstations. Let us know if it still works. Love Microsoft "security".

Passwords are not intended to keep out hackers. They are intended to keep out accidential access.
lol I used that tool like 12 years ago when some knob at work (boss) decided to lock down our workstations. Let us know if it still works. Love Microsoft "security".

GeorgeHR addressed this, but let me make it more clear. You can not stop someone from doing an offline hack on *any* OS, unless the OS partition/disk is encrypted, which you could of course do on Windows as well.

This linux root password reset method is the first link in google for 'forgot linux password' for instance:
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Yeah there isn't a ton of security options if someone has the know how and has physical access to the machine. The drive would pretty much need to be fully encrypted to prevent access.
hey guys sorry didnt get a chance to update you guys lol, i really have been sucked into Star Wars The Old Republic. the story just sucks you in.

but I was about to try out those link you guys gave me, thought i would try and log on again and after about 10 mins of trying defrent pws i got the right one. So hard to keep track of passwords these days lol thank you again :)