Need help identifying this case, picture provided...


Dec 6, 2006
Can any of you guys identify which case this is? what brand and model?


Thanks in Advanced. Also, share other that are similar. Appreciate it.
Lain Li makes some similar the A05 (i think) looks close to that. :)
thanks everybody, appreciate it alot. you guys are awesome. i like the enclosure for the sony vaio desktop...i wonder if they sell it separatly? (probably not, it's probably proprietary with their products inside as well...if they do sell it separately, that'd be awesome.

I'm a big fan of cases that are clean and simple looking and either a close door for drive access or bezels for the each optical drive, instead of that external feeling look.

kinda like this, w/o too much lights, if you guys know any more, please share!. thanks again :D


i have an antec p180 for now.
I couldn't tell you unfortunately :confused: I just used Gergle, and just searched for 'sony vaio' in the images section since I was pretty sure that's what it was, then found appropriately sized picture.
The Antec P180 is great! Why would you want to switch to that case?
The Antec P180 is great! Why would you want to switch to that case?

it's a bit too tall to fit under my desk (by about 3 inches), also, there's just something about it, maybe i'm getting tired of its looks, seeing on every review site,, i think its time for a change, that's all.

Thanks! Hmm, i guess i'll just settle for an actual case enclosure, since finding just the case enclosure alone for the sony would be really difficult to find, and probably to work with, if most of it is proprietary.

*as for the comment I made above this post, I'm starting to realize, settling for any other case than the p180 would probably be a major downgrade huh?
Thanks! Hmm, i guess i'll just settle for an actual case enclosure, since finding just the case enclosure alone for the sony would be really difficult to find, and probably to work with, if most of it is proprietary.

*as for the comment I made above this post, I'm starting to realize, settling for any other case than the p180 would probably be a major downgrade huh?

Just about any Lian Li is better than the P180.

I played with one at fry's, and they're mostly plastic and don't feel very stong, compared to other cases.
Thanks! Hmm, i guess i'll just settle for an actual case enclosure, since finding just the case enclosure alone for the sony would be really difficult to find, and probably to work with, if most of it is proprietary.

*as for the comment I made above this post, I'm starting to realize, settling for any other case than the p180 would probably be a major downgrade huh?

I don't see how you could use a Sony case anyways. It's most likely proprietary.
Looks similar to the Vaio RC204, however I think the model number is VGC-RB30
Just about any Lian Li is better than the P180.

I played with one at fry's, and they're mostly plastic and don't feel very stong, compared to other cases.

Thanks everyone for the replies. Pretty awesome as always. Are there any Lian Li's in particular you'd recommend?
Lian Li A05B if you want a small one (I assume you do, if the p180 is too tall).