need help installing mobo in my acrylic case

Oct 1, 2004
Ok, so here is the situation. This is the 2nd acrylic case I've built a system in. The first one had the brass stand offs that you had to put a screw in threw the back and screw down so it rises the mobo up about a half inch and you mount it on the brass risers.

THIS case however, I bought prolly 5 years ago and it's been sitting around ever since, and I'm not sure if more parts came with it or not. But it already has the risers built into it, but they are made of acrylic as well with holes in them already that stand out about a half inch from the case. Are there more parts like brass risers that came with this? Or am I supposed to find suitable sized screws and just screw the mobo right into the acrylic risers already built onto the case?

I've never seen them on an acrylic case but risers built into the case is pretty common on cheap metal cases. You should be able to screw your mobo right to them, you'll know if you did it right if your IO panel lines up.
No you should be fine. The mobo doesn't need to be grounded to the case or anything.

Some people build their rigs with the mobo just setting on card board to make sure the components work before building the PC.
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