Need help picking a new card...

Dr. X

Supreme [H]ardness
Oct 27, 2000
I'm currently running a 7800gtx with an Opteron 170 @ 2.5ghz w/ 2gb ram. I'm wondering what new vidcard I should get that wouldn't be overkill for this system and leave me cpu limited. Not willing to upgrade the system right now, just the vidcard. I've been out of the loop for awhile so any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Right now it will be 1280x1024 as that's my monitor's native res.
based on the new games I have played like Crysis and fuel of war at least the 8800GTS 640mb. Make sure your psu is up to it though.
i do not believe there is a lower end gtx.this should meet your needs:)
i do not believe there is a lower end gtx.this should meet your needs:)

I just saw that there is a lower and higher clocked gtx, at least from evga. Almost $100 price difference.

Oh, and what would a used 7800gtx go for now?
Used 7800GTX...probably around $125.

Your PSU is plenty big enough for a while I'd think. I was running 2 x1900's in crossfire with a 520W OCZ and didn't have any problems.

Personally, with 1280x1024, I'd get a 8800GTS rather than a GTX. I'd probably pick up the 640mb version with future games in mind, but if you get a good deal on the 320, then grab that. They hit around $250 or so with rebates every now and then. The 640's really haven't been on sale much (that I've seen) since the release of the 2900XT.
go for the GTX the low end version is just the GTX running at stock speed
the more exspensive ones are just overclocked. If you want a card to last a while then get the Gtx, or if your gonna upgrade again before too long then get a gts, you could probably get by with the 320 mb version and hang on to it until the 9 series cards come out
But if you got the cash the 8800 GTX is an awesome, powerful Beast