Need help picking out a High End Intel System...


Apr 14, 2002
A friend has decided to throw down some serious money on a new computer. He has already picked out the Vapochill Lightspeed and wants to go with a high end Intel system. He is willing to pretty much buy anything but an Extreme Edition chip. I have a Northwood and am not to familar with the new Prescotts and the 925 chipset. Please let us know what you think would be the best overall system with overclocking being considered.

Mobo: 925 or 875?

CPU: 3.2C, 3.4E, or 3.6?

Ram: Obivously ddr or ddr2 depending on mobo. Any suggestions on specific sticks?

He has the money in his pocket and it is burning a hole in his pants, so help us spend it. :)
well, if he's willing to get anything except an EE, i would assume the 3.6 would be best for oc'ing also since it comes with the highest multiplier. If you really want the best intel mobo I would wait for availibility on the new Abit Fatality boards.. those are probably the best intel boards out there. When it comes to memory, if itll be DDR, I'd get TCCD chip based memory, (ie. XMS3200XL). Those should do 270+fsb with some nice latencies.

one more note on cpu, intel released their 3.8 a few days ago, maybe look into that.

Well, my biggest question is should I go with the 478 P4 like the 3.2c or the LGA775 3.4 or 3.6? I will figure out what mobo and ram to go with, but I would like SOME feedback on the cpu. Anyone???
i would go with the LGA775, better upgrade path would probably be one of the only things that really stand out with the new socket..
Well it looks like he is going to go with the 3.6 LGA775, DFI 925x-T2, and 2gb of Corsair Pro DDR2. It will be interesting how high it will oc with the Vapochill lightspeed.
Yeah stand in line, lol. Now I need to find him the best X800XT, is the pci-x worth it?
If he's getting a pci-express board it's worth it, cuz otherwise the agp version make's a very nice $500 paper weight ;)
He still isnt completely sold on the 925x chipset, hence the pci-x question.