Need help picking


Limp Gawd
Aug 17, 2006
I dont have any knowledge on ram. cas ?? lower the better.....i think?? buffered / registered ??? clueless.. I'm currently using 1gig stick of generic pos ram. my motherboard is the Asus P5W-DH Deluxe. DDR2 800 is what newegg says i use for ram. i would like to get 4gigs but since i'm on a budget 2 gigs around 150dollars total. want to upgrade to vista hince need more ram. thank in advance.
lower timings = better
faster mhz = better

but there is a tradeoff between the two, to get high mhz, you have to loosen the timings.

you want unbuffered ram. the registered stuff is for servers.

you *can* get 4gb for that much, but it either won't oc well, or you'll have 4x1gb, which is somewhat hard on the motherboard, and produces a bunch more heat.

but then again, you won't be overclocking.. will you?