Need help Please!!!


Limp Gawd
Feb 1, 2007
I have an older machine that I am trying to read a CD on. I tried multiple disks but the only one that I can open is a Windows XP install disk. The CD-ROM is a Hi-Val 56x CD-ROM. The machine OS is XP. I tried deleting CD-ROM driver and reinstalling it. It is using the CD-ROM generic driver. Hi-Val does not have a driver. Help please!
Does the machine in question have either Nero, Daemon tools, or another CDR application installed? Or, better yet, a game that installed Starforce copy protection?

Also, if you go into the device manager, change your CDROM driver in the properties from DMA Mode (found under Secondary IDE Channel) to PIO mode and reboot, that may fix it.
There aren't any CD-ROM specific drivers for any brand really. Try what's mentioned above, check/swap the cable and if it's no-go, it just might be on it's way out.
Thanks for the help. It turned out to be a bad drive. In fact, it turned out to be two bad drives that I was holding onto! Sometimes being a pack rat isn't a good thing!