Need help possible Memory leak?


Feb 12, 2003
I recently had a motherboard die and replaced it with a NF7-S and I also got a new psu (Antec 430 True Power)

Anyway i reinstalled windwos for the new motherboard and the only 2 games i have installed are Doom 3 and CS;Source /Steam.

In CS:Source the game will just exit out to the desktop (sometimes making an error noise) after about 3 minutes of gameplay.

Doom 3 will last anywhere from 5-10 minues but will do the exact same thing.

This sounded like a memory leak to me. So i ran a memory tester (offical microsoft one which can be burned onto a bootable cd (i dont have any floppies)) and let it run for several hours. It found no erors

I though mabye it could be my video card's memeory. So I swapped it with another of the exact same card (had one in another copmuter) but I get the same problem.

Any thoughs? I really dont have the money to buy $170 worth of new ram, this really sux.

btw: im running 2x512 PC3500 Kingmax in Dual Channel

Ive treid just using 1 stick and both sticks have the same problem.

What else could it be? is it my memory or soemthing else?!
third thread ive made on this on no replies....... I just need some help figuring out what i need to replace. Im not going to spend 160 dollars for nothing