Need help RE HDD recovery


Mar 19, 2004
Howdy all,

A few weeks ago my backup hard drive, with all my kids photos, home movies, etc on it crapped out. The goddamn thing is less than a year old but the warranty doesn't cover recovery of the info on the hard drive, so I'm stuck looking for a good place that can recover data.

Does anyone know of any places in southern Ontario (I live near Barrie) thats reputable and can do this for me? I'm going to get a new back up hard drive but I need the stuff off of the old one (at least hte photos, etc).

I've already tried the old freezer trick, and a few programs to get it back but I just get the click click click of the failed hard drive.

Click click is never good and it sounds like a mechanical failure to me. Looks like if you want your important stuff back you will have to get the pros involved. :eek:
Yeah, I expected that I'd have to. I've been looking around but can't seem to find anyone local (maybe Im retarded).
I've still been looking for a place or a program that may allow me to recover....sigh...
Once you have repeated clicking sounds software recovery is out of the question. It will only damage the drive more and make it more difficult for the recovery specialists to get your data back. If you can not find anyone local I would send it out. That is if your data is worth $500 to $2000 USA.
There's no program gonna help with a mechanical problem and that sounds like your problem.

I Googled Hard Drive Recovery in Canada and got this.

Why not use one of them?
I filled out a few forms and sent em off. Hoping someone comes back with a roundabout quote that won't make me have to get a mortgage :p

I realized that I also had the pictures that I want saved on a partition that I accidentally deleted so I'm also trying to see if I can recover those. Sigh...
I realized that I also had the pictures that I want saved on a partition that I accidentally deleted so I'm also trying to see if I can recover those
I assume you mean on different drive.

GetDataBack is my favorite recovery program.

Free to try but you need to buy it to actually do the recovery.

Have you tried it?
I had the files on another partition on another hdd but accidentally deleted the partition. The program I used never found any of the pics.