Need help with a plastic question


Aug 18, 2001
Ok, I know a little bit about plastic *it can be cut, melted, glued, painted, etc* but I know nothing about the different types. What I am needing is some plastic that is around the same type and thickness of the plastic used in front bezel's for cases. Here is why:


As you can see I cut a big square out of the front bezel to give my radiator more room to breath. Well, I want to make some walls inside that cut so the hole does have the gapping appearance it has now. But, I can not find a sutible sheet of plastic at Home Depot, Hobby Lobby, Micheals, etc. So Im guessing I have to go to a plastic dealer to get it, but I have no idea what to ask for. Can someone help me on this? Im sure I could order the stuff online as well if I knew what the hell I was looking for.
Well, I dont have any spare cases laying around, and I would rather not have to buy a case simply to cut it up for parts. And I plan on using bondo to help mesh the sides and the front together, but I dont want to create the walls out of bondo. If I could find out what type of plastic the bezel's are made from I could buy a small sheet of it and use it to make the sides.
If I recall corectly most computer cases are made from ABS. Chances are more then likely that it will be printed somwhere on one of the inside panels as to what type of plastic it is.

As for what to do with the hole. You could consider doing something to it. You could alway put a piece of acrylic in it and add a fan to the front. Then paint the case. If you don't want to paint the case you could use a piece of chrome trim to square out the edges of your cut. I did this on the top of my case and it looks nice. My cutting skills still leave a little to be desired. You could buy a picture frame (chrome) that fits over the case and still leaves some of the center exposed. That might look good as well. I did this to make a small frame for a 5" LCD. Looks better then when I bought it. Bondo would work but can be difficult to apply and have it work out nicely. Or maybe I am no good with the stuff. I think I lack some patiance with it. Plus I always need to mix more and apply again and again.
Thanks Titan. What I was thinking of as a back up was to put some of the crome trim around the edges and get some thin material and glue that round it so it looks like a speaker grill *I would do this after its painted of course*. But, I would rather not since the material would constantly have air being pulled through it and would get dusty as hell. But, I will search for abs plastic and see what I can find. Thanks.