Need help with a WD MyBook Premium II


Jul 3, 2004
The RAID version.

Yeah, so long story short, had one of the drives die (it's a RAID0 scratch disk)

I upgraded from the 2x500GB some time back to 2x1TB WD Green drives, no issues.

So I've pulled the drives back out, being RAID0, I'm not concerned about data loss, but I tested both drives, found the bad one, and have now swapped it with a Seagate 1TB spare drive I've got here.

I removed both partitions (via my main Linux system) and popped them both back in the drive.

Hooked it up to my Macbook Pro via FW800, and what i get is WD Drive Manager stating "<serial number of my WD Premium II> is faulty, contact WD Customer Service".

Lists 0 as capacity.

Hitting 'Info' shows:

Capacity: 0
RAID Setting: Raid 0
RAID Status: Bad
Disk A Serial: <disk sn>
Disk A Status: Good
Disk B Serial: <disk sn>
Disk B Status: Good

What gives? Do the drives need to be a specific partition map or ID?

Well it could be that it recognized a non WD drive and don't want to have anything to do with it. I can't say as I've not used such hardware.
That would be... REALLY stupid. Maybe I can track down a couple of WD SATA drives to test that theory with.
As stupid as this sounds, I think you're on to something. Took two 80GB WD drives formatted NTFS from surplus Windows XP computers, popped them in. Nothing else, hit configure, formatted and they work fine.

Seems WD enclosures get pissy if you don't use THEIR drives. Ugh.