Need help with front audio hookup and header

May 30, 2002
I bought a bay device that provides front audio USB and 1395 ports for my case, but the hunk of crap came with pass through cables instead of header cables (which I've discovered is actually NORMAL???)

So I figure I'll just take some old header cables I have laying about and rewire them to run from the device to the headers giving me the PROPER functionality instead of simply transplanting ports from the back to the front wasting the back ones.

I've got the 1395 and USB figured out without much hassle and I'm getting ready to build the cables from the original connectors and my spare header cables but the audio is SERIOUSLY bothering me...

It only has 6 wires coming from the unit connection to the mic and speaker connectors and through all of my research into how audio headers are hooked up I've found I'm missing a pair of wires for this to work properly. Assuming I use both grounds to the single ground pin, I'll have mic data and mic power, and audio left and right but there are no lines for left and right RETURN!!!

Does this mean that if I hook this thing up to my motherboard header I'll have to plug my speakers into the front connection and play cable swap anytime I want to use headphones?! Sure it's easier to get to in the front to DO that but the whole purpose of putting front ports into a computer is to ELIMINATE cable swapping. Anyone know if there is a way to solve this problem myself with a little middified wiring maybe? I'd be willing to give it a shot but I'm essentially stuck until I can figure this out because I need to know what I'm looking at before I start hacking up cables and splicing things I don't 100% understand.
you shouldn't need a return if you have the back audio ports already on the back of the board. The return is only necessary if you don't have the mobo headers. What does your mobo manual say? What brand/model board do you have?
I'm running an Asus K8N-E Deluxe. The manual says that the pins in my header are
Line out_R -- BLINE_OUT_R
NC --
Line out_L -- BLINE_OUT_L

It doesn't give anything helpful as to what if you don't have a device designed to use mobo headers...but the research I've done says that if you unplug the jumpers on
Line out_R -- BLINE_OUT_R
Line out_R -- BLINE_OUT_R
you lose audio in that side of your speakers. I personally tested that theory by pulling my left side jumper listening to an MP3 and I did indeed lose audio on one side. That means if I DON'T have a return line hooked up from my audio device in front I will essentially be cutting my rear output causing me to have to cable swap...the whole reason I bought this device in the first place.

Basicly what I need is a way to return my audio signal back to the motherboard in a manner that mutes my speakers when a set of headphones are plugged in. I'm not sure if that's even possible considering the hardwired status of the device itself but I'd LOVE a way around this problem because I've been completely unable to find a unit that DOES work correctly instead of using these retarded pass through cables. Why would someone want to use pass throughs when every motherboard nowadays has headers?!