Need help with router


Feb 2, 2008
Hey all, I recently moved into a small house on a university campus. They have issued me an old Corecess 3113 DSL modem/router. It works, but quite frankly I think it's a piece of crap and I'd like to use the Actiontec router that I already have. Problem is I can't use my router without the PPP information, so I'd like to try and get into the Corecess router and see how it's configured.

I have tried to get in by typing the default gateway address IP in my browser but I just get page not found. I did talk to my local tech support, which was mostly a waste of time because the guy had no idea what I was talking about and wasn't interested in helping me. I did find out though that in order to get to the login for the router settings I have to set my PC to use a certain IP address on the network (no idea what address though).

Is there any way I can get into this router and extract the PPP information?

Called tech support again and it looks like I won't be getting the information I need from them.

Can anyone here help me out?
If the campus allows third party routers then they will give you the info needed. If they dont allow thrid party routers then not so much.

If they dont allow third party routers then you are SOL and noone here is going to show you how to hack your current router. Sorry man... i know it was not what you wanted to hear however this exact same conversation has been discussed alot recently.:(
I'm honestly not sure if they don't allow third-party routers or if they just don't know what they're doing. I'd like to think it's the latter; seems like they had whoever they bought the routers from set them all up to work out of the box so the tech support could be lazy and not have to actually put any effort into helping people with setup.

Oh well, guess I'll have to live with it for now... Thanks for the reply
Try setting up your router with the same ip and mac address as your computer after you log on to the campus network with your credentials. Get a friends computer and connect to the router to test the internet.