Need help with super bricked Iphone 5s, $10 PP if you can help me solve


Mar 4, 2005
My Iphone bricked last night. Yes it was jailbroken. I downloaded Dreamboard and then tried to uninstall it right away. During the installation process the phones GUI scrambled and the phone crashed.

Now it will not get past the Apple boot logo, it will hang there until full battery dump.

The real issue now is that my PC's will not recognize the phone AT ALL. As far as I can tell it doesnt even see any device connected. At first it did see the phone, and I started the itunes restore process however when itunes was downloading the update for restore I rebooted the phone once more while it was connected, but once it restarted it is not undetectable.

Not sure what to do. I dont care about data loss, I just want to get it working again.

Ive got $10 paypal for anyone who can successfully help me fix it. I'll be online to respond to any posts ASAP.

Like I said right now it tries to boot up but gets stuck on apple logo. Only way to turn it off from there is to hold power and home button till it shuts off. When off, if I connect it to a PC with the USB cord the phone will try to turn on and hang again, so it is definitely getting power from the cord and charging. Just niether PC will recognize it. My girlfriends iphone is recognized just fine if I try to plug hers into the same PC.

Any clue guys??? Im trying to get it into DFU mode but I havent been successful yet
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boot into recovery mode and restore it :)

(I don't want your money)

before you try that though, can you put it into safe mode? While it's booting up, hold the volume up button and it will boot without any tweaks. If that doesn't work, then use the recovery mode. I'm positive that it's not 100% bricked (either way)
Wow, thats working. Thanks a lot man.

Why the fuck didn't I see that online? I must have overlooked it while searching. I thought I had done that I believe, but I don't think I did it right.

You sure you don't want $10? Its from my paypal credit account so it's no big deal. I feel like an idiot for not doing that.... I sware I thought I had tried that though. But it seems to be working now, at least it is detected I mean. I am restoring now. Thanks man for making me look at that page again. I had that up earlier and tried to go into recovery mode but I must have done it wrong when I tried.
Back up and running! Thanks again man, I feel totally stupid

I jailbroke it again, just going to stay away from what I did last time :)

Still can't get themes to work with iOS 8.4 jailbreak. Maybe it's just too new? The only winter board theme I got that changes anything at all was the one I have in the pic, which just changed my icons and nothing else. Every other theme does nothing after respring, no change at all.

Still new to jail breaking though, but it certainly is cool.

Silly question, but you are activating those new themes and deactivating the old one in the Winterboard settings right? Also, check some of the info for themes, some of them require other sources. The one I'm using (Glasklart HD) requires something called ThemeLib or something like that to work.
Yeah, disabling the old ones. Not sure what happened with dream board and why it made my iPhone corrupt. Going to avoid that this time around.

I checked out glasklart and that one works the most out of the ones I've tried so far, I like it. Also changed font, battery icon, carrier text, keyboard, lock screen, boot logo, and put cool animation with cylinder and added a 5th icon column to the dock and screen. Oh and added system stats on the control panel that shows CPU usage, memory, up/down Internet data, and free hard drive space. I'm liking this a lot.

Any other cool crap to look for?

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Ohh, I like it with out the icon labels. Looks super clean. Also removed all the swipe tabs in lock screen.


I really like Apex2, helps clean up the home screen a bit more. It allows you to put 4 apps "behind" another app, so basically you just swipe up/down on said app and you can open the others from there. I think it's $2 or $3.
Adblock is really "meh" IMO. You can really notice the delays in loading websites and sometimes I think it causes it to crash. Would not recommend buying it, the ads are less of a nuisance. Flurry adds a nice little blur effect, if it didn't make some stuff unreadable I would have kept it. NoSlowAnimations is one of the ones you should definitely get, makes everything way quicker.