Need Immediate Help


Limp Gawd
Nov 8, 2007
HOLY CRAPPPP i need someone's help IMMEDIATELY!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok so i had my q6600 quad-core with intel dg33lt motherboard set up all day... workin perfectly....brand new..... i was watchin TV on it with my tuner-usb thing..... listening to music....... got all the windows updates.... etc etc everything was perfect.......

Then i decided on my Antec 900 case to try and plug the microphone in on the top... and the whole thing just shuts off and wont turn back on!!!!!!! I took it to geek squad to use their tools, the power supply is good, theres no capacitors on the motherboard that are blown... all the connects are and were in the right place....they cant find anything wrong with it. WHAT DID I DO WRONG OR WHAT IS GOING ON?!?! it will not power on AT ALL!??? ANYONe have an idea why or how a microphone (non-usb) could do this?!
one possibility could be you plug in your headphone lines, in the wrong pins on ur mobo. have you tried take everything out of the case and try to switch the mobo on by just using 1 stick of ram and gfx card? have you tried to power the mobo with another powersupply? and how about resetting the bios by taking out the battery or using jumper.
I had the same thing happenign to me when I build a pc for a friend, apparently the jack made a short circuit on the mobo (the pin on the mobo couldn't been put wrong as it was a one way fit, though the mobo was dead... :(
yea it was all plugged in right... the plug has a key-pin on it so theres only one way to connect it. i think i just have horrible terrible luck for some reason. i hope my MoBo is covered cuz ive had it 1 day and dont absolutely nothing wrong at all