Need more bandwidth


Limp Gawd
Feb 1, 2003
I run a computer gaming place and I need more bandwidth for some games, mostly CS, damned bandwidth hog that it is.

Anyway, neither our local cable provider (shaw) or DSL provider (telus) offer any packages that are actually faster. The better packages just allow more GB/month. There's no T1 or anything available here that I know of.

I'm currently on cable, about 3 MB/s down and maybe 0.5MB/s up. It's just not enough, 4+ people playing CS lags badly. We have 10 machines so it happens often. Other games take more connections but it still happens.

I am considering getting two internet connections to get more bandwidth. But I still need to be able to play network games between the machines.

So my first question is, is this possible? Can computers access the internet through different connections but still see eachother over the network?

If this isn't possible, can I set them up with a command line or something to switch between one internet conenction and local network, and the other somehow?

What hardware is needed for either solution? I can put my hands on about all the old comps for linux routers I could want and know peopel who can set them up. I can get just about anythign if I need.

What kind of software setup is needed? All the machines are using XP pro.
Yeah can be done. Either with a linux box dedicated to the "routing" or with a hardware router. Something like cisco 1700 series if i remember rightly... Checkout eBay :) Do some googling for the linux setup instructions.
Have you acutally tried contacting the local telco to see if a T1 is available?

Your lag may not be the download bandwidth, but it may be caused by your upload rate. You would need to setup some kind of traffic monitor at the choke point in the network to determine whether you need more download bandwidth or upload bandwidth.

Check with the DSL providers and see if they offer any packages that have a better upload rate or at least symmetrical bandwidth.