Need new Netbook / 7 on Netbook


Limp Gawd
Apr 25, 2008
I am mainly a desktop person, but lately Ive been attracted to the idea of an always on (By that I mean I open it and its on/awake from sleep, no booting) mini computer that can get more work done than a tiny qwerty keyboard and miniature word processor.

I looked at the Acer Aspire One as thats the name that has ringing in my ears but 1 GB of ram turned me off for some strange reason. Even though I won't be gaming on it.

Should I go with the One or are there similar sized laptops that are more powerful?

Secondly how well does Windows 7 compare to XP when it comes to slower systems?
I have used a dell mini, so I can only speak on that. I like it. Small, fairly zippy when upgrading the SSD and ram that it came with.

Most of the people that I have talked with think that Windows 7 works just fine. I have tried Ubuntu, OSX10.5, and XP. All seem pretty fast to me.
All of the Atom based netbooks give you similar performance. The differences are in the looks, and battery life. If you want one now, go with the 1000HE. It's cheap, has a great keyboard, and GREAT battery life

Personally though, I'd way for the Ion based netbooks, which should be coming out soon. You'll get a much better video chipset, which hopefully means a better resolution. I'm tired or 1024x600
I have an MSI wind running 7. I really like it, nice and snappy as long as I don't have a ton of applications open.
whatever you NOT get the Dell 11z. My boss got each member of our team one, as a gift, and because he's a Dell whore.

The keyboard is awful, its like typing on a toy laptop. and the touchpad will make you want to cut your fingers off.
Most netbooks are going to be very similar spec-wise because of the OS licensing issues involved. We actually do offer a 10" customizable book with a 2GB option, but it does bump up the price quite a bit. Another option would be to go with a standard netbook and upgrade the RAM yourself. It's very easy to do, at least on our books.

As for Windows 7, it runs great on netbooks, even with 1GB of RAM. I'd go with that over XP SP3 any day.
There are quite a few good Netbooks out there, but like everybody else has said, they all pretty much have the same specs. 1.6 or 1.66ghz Atom Processor, 1GB of RAM and a 160GB hard drive. If I remember correctly this is because of licensing issues with Microsoft, and that any higher specs would require that the manufacturers package the netbook with Vista instead of XP.

Anyway, Windows 7 will run fine on a new netbook, and I'd personally go with that then XP. However, it might be a good idea to upgrade the memory to 2GB yourself, after you purchase one. With that said some good Netbooks, from reviews I've read and a few I've been able to use, include the Asus 1000HE (already mentioned), the Asus 1005HA (seashell), Samsung NC10 and the MSI Wind model(s). Again, all with similar specs, but battery life varies between them.