Need Personalized Recomendation!


Limp Gawd
Feb 12, 2006
So I've been reading everything on this board for a long time, and I still find myself with a few questions.

I'm using a Macbook Pro at the moment, though there is a possibility that I'll get a windows computer (i.e. better soundcard?) in the future.

I am no audiop[h]ile. Right now I'm using a pair of 2.0 Dell speakers that, to my ears, actually sound fairly decent, albeit muddy. I'm looking to fine tune my ears, and for that I know I need new speakers. I'm looking forward to finding all the pieces of music that I've been missing.

At the moment I live in an apartment, so Base is a problem. However I like having the option of base, for those times when it is appropriate. So I think I'm either looking for a 2.0/bookshelf setup where the base will still suffice or a 2.1 setup that has an accessible manual control for the sub that I can turn down when needed.

Desktop realestate is also a concern for me - I just don't have room for giant bookshelf speakers.

Here are some speakers or sets that have jumped out to me:

Edirol Ma15d

Altec Lansing FX6021

Klipsch Promedia's

M-Audio AV 20 (or the AV 40's, but they seem pretty huge.

Also the Insignia Bookshelfs and the $50 T amp come to mind.

The cheaper the better, but I'd be willing to go to around $150-$200. Any thoughts you all have would be GREATLY appreciated.
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given your choices i would go with the edirol, but
you should consider the swan D1080MkII to, they fit your budget and are well regarded in the audio world. even the cheaper swan m10 will be a big step up from your actual speakers.
They look beautiful, but they are a bit huge. Maybe the Edirol's were larger than I thought.

I'm not sure I can give up that much desktop space :(