Need RAM upgrade help on an old Fujitsu Laptop


Limp Gawd
Sep 24, 2004
Ok, I know this is a longshot, but I figured I'd try anyway. I got an old laptop (Fujitsu Lifebook C350) for free (can't beat the price) and decided it needed some upgrading before it would be of any use. It has 32MB of RAM soldered to the board and 1 SODIMM slot for a RAM upgrade. According to all the documentation I could find, the max RAM this laptop can have is 96MB (by adding a 64MB SODIMM).

Well, I came across someone who was selling a C340 on eBay which is almost identical in specs aside from a slightly slower processor and smaller screen but in his bios screenshot it showed a 128MB SODIMM installed for a total of 160MB. So I asked him about it and he just said that he got the laptop at some estate auction and doesn't know too much about it.

Basically I figure if his works with that much RAM so should mine. So my question is (finally!), what do people think my chances are of going beyond even that? I mean other laptops with similar specs go beyond 128MB. Also, Crucial recommended I buy PC66 and I'm wondering if PC100 would work since it's slightly cheaper. Hopefully there's someone out there that has this laptop. Otherwise any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
PC100 should work, because it should be backwards compatible, it will just downclock itself...don't know about going beyond 96MB, possibly with a bios flash?
I must have had a brainfart. I wasn't thinking that the deciding factor in terms of speed was going to be the RAM already on the board... :D

Yeah, I thought a BIOS flash would have done it too. But he has the same revision as I did and though I have seen mention of a higher version, I haven't come across it.

Thanks for the help :)