Need software help....too many pics.


Limp Gawd
Jul 6, 2006
THis goes out to those who shoot a ton of pics, use photoshop, and have a ton of pictures.

I have roughly 230,000 and my computer isn't organized. I have them in seperate folders that worked when each only had 200-2000 but shot of creating a ton of folders for each thing i would prefer a way to dump everything into bigger folders.

Anyway i have used many, many, many things that claim to sort things out. And i settled on Picasa2. It worked EXTREMELY WELL when things are labeled and esp if they have EXIF tags. But it isn't as flexible as i need sometimes.

i am just curious what everyone out there uses to organize folders and files and what software they are using.

Also as a side note i have heard that Vista is easier to search because of how they index files.....however i dont know anyone who uses Vista with more then 2,000 pics. Let alone 230,000.
picasa is great, Ive been forcing myself to use Adobe Bridge. searching/sorting is sometimes a nightmare, but thats with everything. use your tags and keywords and you'll find it easy (after, of course, you spend 240 hours tagging those 20,000 photos)

good luck!
Bridge in CS2/CS3 rocks.

CS3 Bridge rocks! Great little app to organize things.

The only way to start getting things organized is to have ALL the images from a session named/dated accordingly, and then things will just flow better. Have folders named by date, or 'the event' plus a date etc.
picasa is great, Ive been forcing myself to use Adobe Bridge. searching/sorting is sometimes a nightmare, but thats with everything. use your tags and keywords and you'll find it easy (after, of course, you spend 240 hours tagging those 20,000 photos)

good luck!

I have used the bridge in CS3. I never really gave it a chance i guess.... I didn't like it and i rarely use it. i found it to be kinda clunky for what i need. It can do a million things that i dont care about, and struggled with things i wanted. So i gave up on it.

I will look into it more. But labeling everything, sorting everything into physical folders is a bitch. My computer doesn't like a folder with 20,000 1MB files for some reason;)
Bridge in CS2/CS3 rocks.

CS3 Bridge rocks! Great little app to organize things.

The only way to start getting things organized is to have ALL the images from a session named/dated accordingly, and then things will just flow better. Have folders named by date, or 'the event' plus a date etc.

I've read that Lightroom might be a bit leaner, and more optimized, for handling that many files...It handles the organization of the files differently than bridge does, which also makes it nicer if one had to format/move everything over to a different machine.
I'll look into this too....

All these programs handle a lot of pictures but when i try to get them to scan all of my pictures it all goes to hell.

Picasa2 allows me to a nearly instant view of what i am looking for searching. if i type in canon or nikon it will pull up thousands within a fraction of a second. But sometimes my computer freaks out.....C2D @ 3ghz and 2G of ram and it doesn't seem to be using all the resources but its slow scrolling around.

Maybe hdd setup? they are on a 750G seagate and its fast...any other ideas to speed things up without RAID0 or Raptor?

it seems to use a lot of cpu power....maybe quad core? i dunno
Lightroom kicks major ass. I use it with 50K and it works like a dream. I would hate to keyword 230,000 photos, but it would certainly make life easier.

I recommend reading "The DAM Book" It will help with the organization of photos and the like. Just use lightroom instead of iView.

It takes a while for LR to stick but once it does, it makes bridge seem shitty.

Lightroom kicks major ass. I use it with 50K and it works like a dream. I would hate to keyword 230,000 photos, but it would certainly make life easier.

I recommend reading "The DAM Book" It will help with the organization of photos and the like. Just use lightroom instead of iView.

It takes a while for LR to stick but once it does, it makes bridge seem shitty.


You are lucky.....Lightroom is slow as hell. I imported 54,000 and its SSSLLLOOOOWWWW. Maybe it's my computer, maybe its the program, i dont know.

Picasa with all 230,000+ feels a ton faster then lightroom with only 54,000. I know lightroom pulls up a lot more info from the EXIF which is awesome and i loved a lot of the things. But trying to organize and easily browse i think picasa still wins. I will use lightroom for simple adjustments and batch processes but its not great for organizing.

I have a C2D @ 3.2Ghz, 2G RAM, and the drive its pulling from is a 750G SATA Segate.

Using a system monitoring program picasa uses 45-50% of my ram and maxes out my cpu when i am all over the place in it, and Lightroom maxes my ram and my cpu when i am just doing simple tasks like sorting which lenses shot what pictures and just poking around.
well to that, lightroom is still new. you may need to wait a while till you go big time with it. Still look around the web for some DAM software and definitely get yourself the book. THere are a half a dozen programs that will do what you want, in the volume you want. Just gotta find whats gonna work for you.
