need some advice on a new gpu


Oct 2, 2007
a workmate of mine has managed to pick up a second hand system for cheap, its a huge upgrade from his crappy old dell celeron POS but its still a little weak compared to todays systems.He was a little useless in telling me what his hardware is but i think ive got the most of it.
Specs are:

either a 4400 or a 4800 x2
radeon X700
an am2 gigabyte mobo
2gb ddr2 (not sure on speeds/timings, pretty much irrelevant in this situation)
chimei 19" monitor (1440 x 900)
corsair hx520 (he had a no brand crappy psu, i told him to buy this)

So pretty much he needs a card to run games at his native res with some pretty stuff enabled (hes addicted to fallout 3 like crack). Anything he gets will be bottlenecked by his cpu but thats not an issue.

This is the tricky part, we live in New Zealand so no newegg. hes got approx $350 NZ to spend, but that wont even get him a 4850 here (DAMN THE ECONOMY!!!) all im after is some recommendations for a good upgrade, i was suggesting a 9600gt to him or a 4830, but im not really sure if they would be overkill.
If you have a friend in the US, you could ask him to buy it for you and ship it to you, might even be a lot cheaper.
If you have a friend in the US, you could ask him to buy it for you and ship it to you, might even be a lot cheaper.

i have a couple of people i know in the US, however with the NZ dollar being only buying approx. 50c US it still more or less works out the same price. He also doesnt want to wait that long. "gotta play that fullout (sic)"
I have the 8800GT, which is a little bit slower than the HD4830 but 10% faster than the 9600GT and equal to the 9800GT. It plays Fallout 3 at pretty decent settings. Not max settings mind you but medium settings mostly with 2AA and 8AF. Also have your friend hit up this guide for some Fallout 3 tweaks:

So no the HD4830 and 9600GT are not overkill. They're just right. In fact, they're the bare minimum I'd recommend for Fallout 3 with decent settings
What.. $350 NZ is 50 cents?

what? no LoL!
$1nz = 50c US.
$300nz = $150US
our dollar is half the value of the greenback

I have the 8800GT, which is a little bit slower than the HD4830 but 10% faster than the 9600GT and equal to the 9800GT. It plays Fallout 3 at pretty decent settings. Not max settings mind you but medium settings mostly with 2AA and 8AF. Also have your friend hit up this guide for some Fallout 3 tweaks:

So no the HD4830 and 9600GT are not overkill. They're just right. In fact, they're the bare minimum I'd recommend for Fallout 3 with decent settings

yeah, i think he is going to be happy with anything tbh as the X700 is crud, i think i might convince him on the 4830. I will be able to get him one for about $250-300 nz. He wont use AA or AF as he doesnt even know what they are (new to pc gaming)
a 9600 gt would be fine any more would be overkill for the cpu. i tried running my 4850 on my mates computer with a 4400 and couldnt even play dow2 on low settings.