Need some advice on upgrade plan


Limp Gawd
Mar 11, 2006
I've been ready to upgrade for awhile, I was dead set on a conroe E6600, and an 8800GTS when they both came out, but once the E6600 came out I had no money , and the G80's release was so far away

i'm looking to spend $300-$400 on a cpu and $450 for a 8800GTS (lower I get paid at the end of November

I don't game that much, but when I do I want to play at full eye candy at 1920x1200 (my 7900GT is starting to lack in high poly areas of HL2:episode 1 meaning I'm not going to get what I want with the newer games coming out), I love watching 1080p trailers, clips, etc and single core is murdering me on this front (apple recommends a dual core processor to decode 1080p) I need a multicore processor as soon as possible (if 4x4 looks promising within a decent amount of time I will wait)

assume it is November 30th, here are my options

Wait a few months to upgrade to anything new since prices of S939 and 7900GT's are ridiculously low, get a S939 4800+ X2 and sell my current 3700+, buy a used 7900GT to SLI

Get a rightly priced kentsfield, buy DDR2, upgrade to 8800GTS

Wait for AMD 4x4, buy ddr2, upgrade to 8800GTS

the problem is DDR2 prices are inflated like crazy right now, if I wait and get a 4800+ I will get cheaper prices and I will have a better idea of how products perform
I skimmed through your post cause it's too late in the day to care much about the details. But basically here is what it comes down to. How long can you wait? The longer you wait, the better hardware you will have when you finally spend your money.

Wait a few months to upgrade to anything new since prices of S939 and 7900GT's are ridiculously low, get a S939 4800+ X2 and sell my current 3700+, buy a used 7900GT to SLI

I don't see any good reason to throw out a good board and good RAM at this point in time. For the money, I think you would be better off picking up a new s939 dual-core X2 and using SLI with the 7900GTs.

Best bang/buck option IMO.