Need some help choosing a new monitor...

Dr. X

Supreme [H]ardness
Oct 27, 2000
Currently I have a Viewsonic VP191b. It is decent, a 19" TN panel I believe. I'm looking to go with a 20-22" widescreen. It seems that all the new panels are also TN, so I'm not sure if I should just wait for new tech or go with something in the interim? Just looking for opinions I guess or if I go with something now what should it be? Thanks for your time.
What are you doing with this monitor, what is your budget, and if you are planning to wait for new tech, how long are you willing to wait?

TN panels seem to be the prevailing tech for the 20-22" market. I think that they'll be around for a while, at least for the prices we're seeing.

If you aren't trying to do major photo editing, or lots of people crowding around the monitor trying to watch a full length movie, a TN 20 or 22 inch would probably be ok for you, if you are not a perfectionist.

However, everyone has their own preferences.

If you could give people an idea of what you are going to be doing with this monitor, and what your expectations or requirements are, we can further help you find what you are looking for.

Hope that Helps

I apologize for not being more specific. I blame the New Year's festivities. Anyway, I will be mostly using it for gaming and general use (internet, email, etc.). I do some photoshop and whatnot but nothing to the point where it would influence my monitor choice. My budget is ~$400 max. I'd like the best I can get in that price range but it I'm a realist. I can deal with some imperfections, whether that be less than perfect black levels or some motion blur. Thanks again.
Well, for 400, you can find almost any 22" monitor you want. The issues they will have is rather restrictive viewing angles and limited blacks. However, you shouldn't have any problems with motion blur or input lag. TN Panels have the fastest response time of the panels out there.

For 400, you could also get the 24" westinghouse. There is a long thread about it on this site. It offers more inputs, better viewing angles and picture quality.

It's currently 400" at newegg.

The other difference is that if you go for a 22" monitor, everything will be bigger than if you buy a 20" screen. The 22" screen shares the same resolution as the 20" monitors, so the pixel size is increased, so everything is a little bigger. If you have less than perfect eyesight or don't like squinting at tiny text, that may be helpful.

The 24" monitor steps up to a higher resolution, so everything is very crisp and clear, but little smaller.

Here's a comparison of some different monitor sizes and the size of 18 point Arial font.

The 20" monitor displays much smaller text than the 22, and the 24" monitor is a little smaller than the 22".

Hope that Helps
