need some help with my Aria system


Jul 21, 2004
okay I just got myself one of the new aria cases and finally got everything put together here is what I have

P4 2.8c with standard HSF :(
MoBo unknown from $ony RS320 has P4SD-VX silked on it
1 gig (generic as hell) ram
WD 80 gig PATA drive
Seagate 120 gig SATA drive
Nvidia FX 5600 cinema

I have been getting some fairly high temps around 56C to 57C and that is with the sides off the case. So at this point I am not sure if its the case(bad venting) or the MoBo(just crappy) that needs to be replaced. I am leaning towards the MoBo being the issue so with all that I have to ask. can anyone recommend a board that is stable and cheap I only have about 75.00 left to spend before I hit my budget limit for this system (wifey has budget on this one)

My ASUS P4P800-VM does very well for me. I am running a 3.2 Northwood. Some Corsair PC-3200 (1gig) and a 9800XT.
Nope no need for an intel chipset but the SATA would be nice to keep with the system. But if I have to give the drive up to my other system to get rid of this craptastic $ony board then so be it. Besides I usually prefer the Asus boards. I personally have never had a bad one yet.

thanks MrE and Bigshot for your help.
Well if you hurry, NewEgg has that board BigShot mentioned refurbed for $55! It retails from them for $93 and it has two SATA ports onboard.

damn well in that case F8CK this $ony board I'll get the Asus one. that way I at least know I will be able to get the updates and any drivers I may need down the road.

Again Thanks MrE :)
Well I figured out why my system was over heating. The board that my friend was nice enough to get me, well it was the problem. In their infinate stoopidity to make their systems run cooler $ony decided to make the fans run slower. With that Genius idea in mind they decided that they would set all the system fan speeds around 1200 RPMs. So here I was with my system over heating while just looking at the Freaking BIOS. No wonder People avoid the $ony brand computers.

Now that I have set all that fact down in front of the Wife her comment was not how much to replace it like I expected it was how soon can you get a replacement board. Damn I Love that woman :) So now comes the hard part deciding buy online or goto fry's.
newegg if you have patience, or fry's if your in that much of a hurry

but for a simple motherboard, i'd go to fry's, the few extra bucks is worth the wait
Only problem going to Frys? You will walk out with more than just the motherboard as is the case every damn time I walk into that place. I start checking the sales items and next thing I know, I'm coming out with more shi.., er, stuff than needed. :)

well I went to Fry's and they had a horrible selection of P4 baords that would fit in that case so it looks like I am going to do the mail order thing. Not going to give my money to fry's today :)
Thats the only problem with m-ATX format as you cannot walk into a local store and have a vast selection of motherboards as compared to ATX boards. NewEgg has a nice selection, and the link above I provided earlier should get you a great deal. Good luck.

I missed getting the refurb board there MrE but I did get a spankin new one of the same model for new egg. iT should be on its way very soon :) hopefully it should be out the door today

Tthank you for your help I really appreciate it
