need some pc game recommendations.

Jul 12, 2005
building my new computer from the ground up, and i wanna build a nice library of games to break in my new GeForce 7800 GTX OC with. I'm more of a sci-fi, fantasy, shoot-em-up, rpg kinda guy than anything else. basic gore, guns, space ships and anime type games. This means stuff like half-life, diablo, unreal, the sims, and warcraft. games involving racing, serious sharpshooting, and war recreations dont really peak my interest. Also would like some suggestions on potential mmorpg's, free or p2p. Been looking into the whole Sims franchize, and i'm thinking it'd be fun to try the sims online, but i'm not sure if the 10 dollar subscription fee is worth the novelty...

so if you could rattle off some names of games you can't get enough of it'd help me a bunch. thanks :)
F.E.A.R. when it comes out, D3 and the like...

I'm more of a straight FPS person so I have to break the rules and recommend BF2, because your GTX will indeed make the game its bitch.
FEAR, Doom 3, Quake 4, Return to Castle Wolfenstein 2, Enemy Territory: Quake Wars, Serious Sam 2, and Hellgate: London.

Unfortunately, only one of those is out right now. :)
hmm, i would say get:

painkiller, far cry, hl2, maybe doom 3 (didnt really like it, but some people do), riddick (i still need to play it, but i want it). if you do not want a life, then WoW could work, but first i would say stick to those fps's just to push your system.
For graphics whores, like myself:

Doom 3
Half Life 2
Chronicles of Riddick

Battlefield 2 for the sheer size of the maps and textures used. To stress your GTX, you definately need at least 1.5GB of RAM to turn everything up. Honestly the game is so absolutely insane that I do not spend a lot of time looking at the gaphics - which are sweet, but not at the same level of the four above.
Games I would watch.

Elder Scrolls 4 (November 2005)
Hellgate: Lundon (November 2005)
F.E.A.R. (October 2005)
Half-Life2/CS:Source (Out Now)
Doom3 (out now)
Black and White2 (TBA)
Spore (2006)
Age of Empires III (November 2005)

Well thats all I can think of right now that card would benifit greatly.