Need some server-box advise


Limp Gawd
Jan 12, 2004
Now that I've been given the go ahead to replace my current system, I have another question that I've been thinking about for a little while now.

For now all I'm looking to find out is what would be the more efficient setup to run as a server, I've got two to choose from;

HP Proliant ML150 G3
Dual Xeon 5150s - 2.66ghz
Allows for 6x750gb SATA drives
Was born with Windows Server 2003

Or my re-purpose my current system;

Core 2 Quad Q8200 @ 3.2ghz
6 available SATA ports
Either Windows Server 2003, WHS, or Ubuntu Server.

How do the dual 5150s perform compared to the Q8200 in CPU heavy applications, such as folding, encoding/re-encoding. Having used the Q8200 system for over 6 years, I've got a good understanding of what its capable of - but I've no clue on the 5150s. That server was given to me by a friend a few years ago and its been sitting since.

The server will function as a backup server for my new rig, any additional rigs, as well as serve media to my numerous devices within my household.

Hopefully thats enough information to answer my initial question - its late and I should probably be sleeping.. If I was too vague just let me know and I'll revise my question.
How do the dual 5150s perform compared to the Q8200 in CPU heavy applications, such as folding, encoding/re-encoding. Having used the Q8200 system for over 6 years, I've got a good understanding of what its capable of - but I've no clue on the 5150s. That server was given to me by a friend a few years ago and its been sitting since.
If we were talking about stock speeds, the dual Xeons should be faster. However, since your Q8200 is actually OC'd, the Q8200 should outperform the dual Xeons.
Thanks, that's more or less all I was looking for. Short and sweet!
It sounds like you're looking for mostly a storage box? Possibly with some transcoding/streaming?

If it's primarily just going to be a backup type machine you may want to see if the xeon machine has ECC memory (likely does). Bit flips aren't all that uncommon and ECC can help with that (which is why it's highly recommended for things like ZFS
The ML150 does indeed use ECC memory, and at this time all I can really foresee is it being a storage/media serving/backup system - unless I get a little more adventurous. I'm planning a new build with an FX8320 to do most of my encoding/re-encoding and whatnot as well as my every day stuff, but if I can pass off some of the load onto the server box, that'll add some more use.

Basically I just have a spare system that I want to use, and increase its usage as I learn more about what it can be used for lol