Need suggestion on a used receiver


Limp Gawd
Apr 14, 2005
This is for use with my computer. No movie watching, pretty much just listening to music and gaming.

I picked these up a few weeks ago and I like them alot.

The problem is that I need something decent to push them. I figure I would hunt Craigslist and try to pick up a good used 2ch receiver but the problem is that I don't know what to look for.

For the audiophiles out there; what should I be looking for? (Please specify make and model) I expect this to sound good so even though picking up "just any old 2ch" would work I don't want to do that. I would much rather know what "treasures" I should be keeping my eye out for and I don't mind spending some more $$$ to get a high quality unit.

thanks in advance.
I like the Pioneer A35-r. Most units made by Marantz and Denon (except some of the 80s stuff). NAD amps might be available on the cheap. McIntosh will be very expensive but I've never heard of anyone complaining about a McIntosh. I also like most Sony ES gear. I'm not a big fan on Onkyo even though my receiver is made by them.
You could just pick up 1 of these brand new $179.99

check out the frequency responce on that unit.

It's only rated at 50 watts pr ch but believe me that's a conservative rating,
and I think it's more than enough for those speakers, throw a sub in there and Your really rockin..

or for about 50$ more, go for it's bigger brother the TX- 8555 with 100 watts pr ch

as far as used try for a Yamaha RX 770 or a newer model, I have the 770 running a pair of Mirage Towers, plus a Mirage sub, in a 20 X 30 room and it'll blow You out of the room.

Old Pioneer Elite, Sony ES, Nakamichi, are alright,

if all your doing is listening to music thru Your computer, you don't really need a reciever, just a 2 or 2.1 channel amp, I'm sure someone will recomend 1.. and I think there are some threads on them..
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Well if you are looking for a good value amp or receiver, there are a lot of options depending on what you want. I would suggest looking at some AV forums like AVS and Audioholics to see what is popular.

You can go from very cheap to quite expensive depending on what you want to do. If price is the most important and you can live with low power (I don't know how easy to drive Insignia speakers are), the something like the T amp can be an option on the low end.

If you would rather go a bit higher in price and power and 2.0 is all you want, then you can get something like the Dayton APA 150

Which is basically similar as the old Emotiva BPA-1

If you want to eventually go 2.1 and save money, you can get a Gizmo that has a sub out.

If you need even more power and stay relatively cheap, you can consider a Emotiva UPA-2 or similar amp. Outlaw may also have something similar.

If you rather get a receiver so that you can go to more speakers later like 5.1, then you may rather get that Marantz 4002. Marantz has decent amps and good sound but less features than other mainstream manufacturers.

If you would rather get a receiver that can eventually evolve to a full home theater type system (feature rich) then something like the SR507 or SR606 from Onkyo may be a possibility.

sorry A4L does not have the SR606 at this time...maybe later.

If you would rather go out of the mainstream brands, NAD, Adcom and Arcam have good options and are often sold at Audiogon (used) at a decent price.

I have seen the Arcam AVR250 sell at Audiogon for like $400.

These are just a few options. I am not recommending any one or the other. I am just showing some possibilities within the numerous options you have, depending on what you eventually want to do with your system.

Happy shopping. :D
Try the T-amp, it will open your eyes (or ears), if you haven't heard a class-D amp before. Surgically clean sound, but not much power. Your speakers are listed at 90 sensitivity, which is pretty high, and you won't need a lot of power to get loud music out of them.

If you hate the T-Amp, you've only spent 30 bucks...