Need to choose GTX780 / GTX770 / 280x


Limp Gawd
Oct 18, 2004
I know its late guys but appreciate you looking. New build happening next week. I want to game. I'm on Vaca. BF4 is the drug of choice. I'm looking to play on Ultra settings. My res is 1920x1200. I need to pick one of these 3 cards. I'm worried about the Vram being to small on the 770, but I've seen a couple charts showing that BF4 @ my rez only caps at 1600 or so (guru3d). But, its nice to see the 3 gigs on the other cards. Been with Nvidia a while. Used to have ATI back in the day.

If I got a 280x I could CF it later. But, I hear bad things about CF. I have done SLI before (2 7800GT's) and it wasn't a bad experience. But I hear that single card solution is sometimes best. That's where the 780 comes in. Late in the game I know but still a beast right? I got my 580 exactly 2 years ago and i think he was purchased late as well (it has served me quite well).

I'm going back and forth and I'm not sure what to do. Thank you.
BF4 is the drug of choice. .

290x/280x - add 290 also
gonna be the most optimized for your game than anything Nvidia counters with. But if you insist NVidia I don't see why you dont go with the best card you can afford - 780. Yes a single gpu is worth it over the headaches.

When the 290 releases it will be the closest competitor to a stock 780. Predicting a $450 msrp
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yes crossfire is not as good as sli, and both are still not perfect.

imo the cooler is half the product, and amd simply does a worse job of stock coolers than nvidia does. and there's no 290x with asus directcu. maybe there will be a good 290 in a couple weeks...

or just get a 780ti and leave no ambiguity.
I know its late guys but appreciate you looking. New build happening next week. I want to game. I'm on Vaca. BF4 is the drug of choice. I'm looking to play on Ultra settings. My res is 1920x1200. I need to pick one of these 3 cards. I'm worried about the Vram being to small on the 770, but I've seen a couple charts showing that BF4 @ my rez only caps at 1600 or so (guru3d). But, its nice to see the 3 gigs on the other cards. Been with Nvidia a while. Used to have ATI back in the day.

If I got a 280x I could CF it later. But, I hear bad things about CF. I have done SLI before (2 7800GT's) and it wasn't a bad experience. But I hear that single card solution is sometimes best. That's where the 780 comes in. Late in the game I know but still a beast right? I got my 580 exactly 2 years ago and i think he was purchased late as well (it has served me quite well).

I'm going back and forth and I'm not sure what to do. Thank you.

Battlfield series? Yeah AMD 280X for you :) No issues on my end with two 7970s in crossfire with VSYNC off (Windows 7 64-bit).
You can get 4GB 770's you know, anyways if you can afford it just go for the 780 or one of the high-end AMD cards. I don't know if you're only going to be playing BF4 or not but I'd say if not don't base your buying decision on just one game. And as many other people saw from that recent benchmark, the Nvidia cards are meant to handle BF4 multiplayer better than the AMD cards do for now at least. That could change though and most likely will if mantle is any good.
You can get 4GB 770's you know, anyways if you can afford it just go for the 780 or one of the high-end AMD cards. I don't know if you're only going to be playing BF4 or not but I'd say if not don't base your buying decision on just one game. And as many other people saw from that recent benchmark, the Nvidia cards are meant to handle BF4 multiplayer better than the AMD cards do for now at least. That could change though and most likely will if mantle is any good.

this and lets wait and see how well nvidia optimizes their drivers for the game.
this and lets wait and see how well nvidia optimizes their drivers for the game.

Nvidia's last show in Montreal had Johan from DICE there, they should be already optimized unless they dropped the ball.

Edit: maybe they can squeeze a bit more performance though.
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It's not just about which brand can output most frames, I look for stability, how fluid the game moves because many games that have decent fps still move like crap in motion. IMO, for bf4 I would go with amd because it's coded to run on that hardware.
I'm in the same boat except I was only looking at a 760, 280x, or 770. The 780 is out of my price range.

I went with the 760 with the intention of upgrading to maxwell next year (has not been delivered) but as more data comes in I think the 280x may be a better decision for a few extra dollars.

I would only compare the 280x to the 770 4GB and the $75 premium for the 770 means that the 280x is the obvious winner. I still don't understand why no games are bundled with the 280x..
Same boat here. Same res as the op and I've been mulling over this for awhile. I'm pretty much ruling out the 2GB 770. So for me, its 280X or 4GB 770 or 780. The 780 is tempting, and I do like the bundle but the 280X just seems like the better buy. Don't know what to do.
If 280x is an option, then surely 7970 is, as well?
They tend to be cheaper and come with a game bundle.
Same boat here. Same res as the op and I've been mulling over this for awhile. I'm pretty much ruling out the 2GB 770. So for me, its 280X or 4GB 770 or 780. The 780 is tempting, and I do like the bundle but the 280X just seems like the better buy. Don't know what to do.

Well, I'm not a fan of spending big on a refresh with Maxwell 2-8 months away which is why I got a 760.

After I sell the games and redeem the rebate for the 760 it will be $120 cheaper than the 280x. When the time comes I'll sell the 760 for whatever I can get and upgrade.

I might have gone with the Asus 280x DC2T but again it would have been $120 more out of pocket.

If I were building a new system I'd go for the 280X (if $300 is your price range) but in my case I sold my old card and needed a replacement. I'm OOP <$100 buying the 760 so it made sense. The 280x may be a better choice for you.
Well, I'm not a fan of spending big on a refresh with Maxwell 2-8 months away which is why I got a 760.

After I sell the games and redeem the rebate for the 760 it will be $120 cheaper than the 280x. When the time comes I'll sell the 760 for whatever I can get and upgrade.

I might have gone with the Asus 280x DC2T but again it would have been $120 more out of pocket.

If I were building a new system I'd go for the 280X (if $300 is your price range) but in my case I sold my old card and needed a replacement. I'm OOP <$100 buying the 760 so it made sense. The 280x may be a better choice for you.

Is the 780 really considered a refresh? I thought GK110 was relatively new, as opposed to GK104? That's kind of what has me leaning towards the 780. For some reason, buying a 770 or less, or 280X or less when those have already been out for 2 years just seems like buying old tech I guess. And I keep hearing maxwell is going to be like Q3 of next year at the earliest so thats not really something I want to wait for either.
Is the 780 really considered a refresh? I thought GK110 was relatively new, as opposed to GK104? That's kind of what has me leaning towards the 780. For some reason, buying a 770 or less, or 280X or less when those have already been out for 2 years just seems like buying old tech I guess. And I keep hearing maxwell is going to be like Q3 of next year at the earliest so thats not really something I want to wait for either.

I believe the 700 is based on 600 architecture and R200 is based on 7000 series.
Is the 780 really considered a refresh? I thought GK110 was relatively new, as opposed to GK104? That's kind of what has me leaning towards the 780. For some reason, buying a 770 or less, or 280X or less when those have already been out for 2 years just seems like buying old tech I guess. And I keep hearing maxwell is going to be like Q3 of next year at the earliest so thats not really something I want to wait for either.

I was referring to cards in the $300 range which are all refresh.

I feel incredibly stupid after getting the newegg promo email today.

Could have gotten a 670 (faster than 760) for $220 today AR.
780 is gonna pay off in the long term. Trust me.

I predict Summer of 2014 when games such as Walking Dogs, the next Skyrim,etc... start pushing 2gb and change in Vram.

This is where 770 users will be upset about performance. Believe it or not, a stable ~15 fps, constant or not constant stream of horse power, matters A SHIT TON in the gaming realm.

Even if it's just that little bit, just that little bit of juice. That's all you need to secure 6 months to a year extra on unnecessary upgrade expenses.
Unless they are a 4GB 770 user, which granted most 770 users won't be.

Most 770 users are 2GB users. This is fact. The 4gb variant of the 770 is $385 or so. The ones who have 4gb, have multiple monitor or higher res. But in this particular case, we're mostly concerned about 1080p.

Why not just pay $100 more to future proof yourself with a Baby-Titan? That becomes crazy good once you overclock it to its potential. (assuming you have something like an ACX, ASUS cooler, and not the reference ones)

I'm telling you guys, a 770 would have been really sweet if it had 3gb Vram and was $300 to $320 flat, but that's not the case. A 770 4GB will loose its ooomph way before touching 4gb of vram, while the 780 continues strolling along.

The 780 is simply a no brainer if you have the money to spend right now.
I'd love to get a 780 but here they are £100 ($160) more than a 4GB 770, and for somebody on a tighter budget that is a lot of extra money. If you could afford it though I'd say go for it as it is worth paying the extra for (even though you could argue that graphics cards are worth nowhere near what they cost).