Need to password protect a program. Help?


Aug 24, 2004
Hey, as the title states, I need to add a password to a program. Basically, a member of my family isn't responsible enough to use MSN Messenger, and I need to make the program password protected. How can I do this?
Obscurity is not security. (Start->Run->msnmsgr.exe will easily bypass)

The better way to do it would be to apply passwords to user accounts, then use policies to restrict the programs accessible to each user. Might take a bit of reading, but will be more secure.
once you have password-protected user accounts, you can add an ACL (Access control list) to the msnmgr.exe. Basically,you just need to deny access to the file for a specific user.
Michigan PC said:
lol funny dilemma...why dont you just hide it?
Well, I wouldn't even install it if I had the choice, but my little brother uses it. I'm not using the computer ever, I don't even live at home.

Access control list it is.
slowbiz said:
Well, I wouldn't even install it if I had the choice, but my little brother uses it. I'm not using the computer ever, I don't even live at home.
No offense, but if you aren't even around, how do you know whether he is responsible or not. I am not questioning your intentions, but I do have to question whether you should have the authority to deny your sibling the use of whatever it is he is using. I would imagine that would be the parents job.
Thuleman said:
No offense, but if you aren't even around, how do you know whether he is responsible or not. I am not questioning your intentions, but I do have to question whether you should have the authority to deny your sibling the use of whatever it is he is using. I would imagine that would be the parents job.

True however if the OP's parents are anything like mine if it involves more than pushing the power button I get a phone call :(