Need upgrade help - LGA1155


Feb 7, 2012
Friend is looking to upgrade his CPU only.

He thinks his board is this- MSI Z68A-G43

I went right to the motherboard CPU support page here-

I told him the 3570K was the cpu to have from what I had read. He doesn't intend to do any OC but does game and likes as much eye candy as possible. Far Cry 3 and Dying Light are probably the most recent titles I'm aware of and I'm going to guess Battlefront.

His current setup
CPU- i3-2100
RAM- 8GB (unsure of other spec)
GFX- 770 4GB

I wasn't able to get a ton of detail from him on if he was having issues with it bottlenecking or not. What I was also thinking is.. is there a good upgrade CPU that would also allow him to upgrade to 16GB ram for under $150-175?

Looks like the 3570(Non K) are going for about $150. 8GB kits of ram appear to be really cheap so it would just be finding that happy medium cpu.

*Update-- Welp, I guess he already bought something. Not sure what it is though. Sorry.
I think you could find a 2600k for around that price. Personally, I'd rather have that than a 3570k.
Makes sense. I guess he bought an Alienware Area 51 desktop instead... :(
You should keep an eye out for a 2500k also, especially if he is coming from a i3-2100.

edit: didn't see that he already went with a prebuilt system
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He said he left it as default.. $1600 and still only 8GB ram!?! I told him he could have built a badass system for that price. I threw a 5820K, 32GB ram, Asus X99 mobo, 512SSD, C70 case and Win10 pro for 1000-1200 i think.. i was sad lol.
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He said he left it as default.. $1600 and still only 8GB ram!?! I told him he could have built a badass system for that price. I through a 5820K, 32GB ram, Rampage mobo, 512SSD, C70 case and Win10 pro for 1000-1200 i think.. i was sad lol.

I'd like to know where you got your parts to build that for $1000. Althought he waaaaay overpaid buying the aleinware system, even on a highend custom setup he still would have spent around $1600 too. Hell, the rig in my system I just built set me back around $1600
Sorry, you are correct. 1500 total-

Just as a note. Since he had already made the purchase, I pretty much went with whatever the top review was and didn't look at price. This very easily could have been a couple hundred less to be in the 1000-1200 range.
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