Need wattage estimate for upcoming build


Limp Gawd
Sep 6, 2009
This is what my new rig should consist of:

1-DVD-RW burner
1-Creative Labs x-fi gamer sound card
1-Icore 7 860
8 gb of either 1333 or 1600mhz memory (all in 2gb sticks)
HD will either be a OCZ agility series 128gb SSD or 500GB WD 7200rpm HD
VC will either be a Geforce 285gtx or AMD 5870 (or 5850 depending on reviews)

This will be all that I'm going to run in my system. I just need an idea on what wattage PS I should be looking at to be run it comfortably. Will it be 500? or 600? or 700? or what? Thanks for any help.
600W is certainly enough, but make sure its a quality unit. Personally, I would suggest the Corsair TX650 or 650HX (modular). If you plan on going SLI in the future, you might want some additional headroom with 750W or 850W units.
With a single GPU a 620HX should be enough. Anything in the 600W continuous neighborhood that is of good quality. IF you want to SLI or Crossfire, a 750 or 850 would be safer.
I have the 620HX and it's more than ample for my setup (see sig). I have 3 hard drives 2 dvd drives and all my card slots filled, 600 is definitely enough. My only regret is not having enough for multiple GPUs. The 750/850 modular corsairs weren't out went I bought my 620HX. :(
Funny, I've been looking at the Corsair series. Just been wondering if I could save a few bucks and get the 620. I really don't want 2 video cards. I use 2 8800gt's now and can't stand maintaining profiles and such. Just want 1 damn powerful card. Just less of a hassle. Well thanks for your help. I guess it's between the 620 and 750.
A 620 from Corsair should be fine. But keep in mind the extra cash for a 750 would allow some expansion, and maybe a video card upgrade to the next generation.
That machine will need about 380 watts. If you want to oc, then get corsair vx550
Corsair's are very well built, so the 620 should do just fine. You might want to consider a higher wattage for future upgrades.
Yeah not planning on OC'ing. Might try to hit 3ghz but probably just gonna run at stock. Yeah going higher does allow future upgrades, but could always use to save money to buy other components. Oh yeah, and the case I'd be getting is the Antec P183 and probably just running with the 2 stock case fans, though might add one down by the graphics card if needed.
Yeah not planning on OC'ing. Might try to hit 3ghz but probably just gonna run at stock. Yeah going higher does allow future upgrades, but could always use to save money to buy other components. Oh yeah, and the case I'd be getting is the Antec P183 and probably just running with the 2 stock case fans, though might add one down by the graphics card if needed.

P83? If that's the case you're gonna stick with for the next 2-3 years, then I highly recommend getting this PSU:
$120 - Antec CP-850 850W PSU (Can only be used with the Antec 1200, P183, and P193 cases)

At $120, it's one of the best bang for the buck PSU for that case. Granted it is overkill for your system BUT you simply won't find a better deal for such a good PSU since you're using a compatible case.