Nero Alternatives?

May 1, 2002
I'm pretty sick of Nero as an all-in-one burning suite after the last few versions (everything past, especially with the DVD tools disappearing in certain versions, and the latest MP3Pro plugins causing skipping audio CDs (reverting back MP3Pro helped before, but isn't doing the trick anymore on any of my systems). The general bloat of version 7 hasn't helped much either.

So what alternatives do I have? Roxio? Alcohol? Gear? Is there anything out there for Windows that uses LAME? I'm just looking for some recommendations/guidance, please and thanks.
alcohol does a nice job, and also, if you need a old version of nero, give me a pm
Thanks for the tips!

I've been playing with Cheetah DVD Burner since starting this thread, and it seems to do the trick. Does CDBurnerXP's "Alpha" status really mean anything? Is it unstable at all?

BTW, I'm not a fan of Alcohol 120% simply because it doesn't always uninstall particulalrly well (I've had to manually edit cryptic registry entries just to reinstall a new version before).

Another question: Are there any products comparable to Nero Recode? The Nero alternatives I've found thus far do just about everything but recode DVDs.
I'm having the same problem also. I dumped Roxio because it went from burning CDs to loading hundreds of megs of useless crap. I don't need a pretty interface.

I of course used Nero for a while. I recently upgraded to Nero 7 but I hate it. I tried to burn a music CD and it wants a plugin. A plugin for music? It's pretty much gone the way of Roxio. Except Roxio doesn't need plugins to make a music CD.

So now I'm looking for something that works and can make DVD movies and can burn UDF DVDs. Just like how Roxio allows me to drag and drop files into a CD or DVD and I don't need ot burn the entire DVD just for one file. Except for no reason Roxio will corrupt the disc. Loosing important data with no warning.
Just a quick update...

So Cheetah DVD Burner either doesn't like my media (Maxell 8x DVD-R) or my burner (NEC ND3500AG), but the DVDs I've burned with it so far (at 6x) have been unreadable in my Pioneer DVD-ROM and problematic but usable in my Lite-On DVD-ROM. So far, the same discs burned in CDBurnerXP have fared much better.

Also, I completely wasn't paying attention on CDBurnerXP's site and thought that it was another of those perpetual alpha/beta programs; I didn't even notice that the version in the downloads section is actually not 'alpha' software.

It looks like I'll keep using Nero Vision and Nero Recode for easy DVD video manipulation, but the rest is gonna be handled by CDBurnerXP.
I use Sonic's RecordNow for DVD data disks (okay, it came with the drive). I haven't tried it on anything more complex yet.
I used DVD Shrink for my Recode Alternatives. But the problem with Shrink is that it does not have the option to burn multiple disks.