Nero comes to linux


Feb 13, 2004
I know one thing I miss every time I boot into my linux parition is Nero for managing cd burning. It's never let me down while I've had problems with both command-line and gui tools in gnome & kde.

Here's to hoping that changes. :D
/me wonders whether it's GTK or QT or some custom engine

anyway, this looks like it could have some potential. while i don't see any features that stick out as new (compared to k3b), i'm very curious what "kernel optimizations" they've inplemented.
It's GTK. I saw it first here:

I installed it via the deb on my ubuntu hoary install and burned off a 400+mb disk no probs. It would be sweet if it could get some more of the features of the Nero 6 on Windows. I know one thing I use for some employee desktops is the backup setup. It is easy enough for the general user to follow once the job has been created.
ack gtk+

For the time being K3B will suffice, I do wish it had a built-in audio-cd previewer. That way you could test to make sure such things as volume, mixing, edited beginnings/ends worked, etc before you wasted a CD on it.

As for the backups, possibly a cron daemon combined with some simple scripts could do the job?
Just tried it out, although I used rpm2tgz to get a slackpack out of it, it installed and ran without a problem. Just burned a iso, but need to do some more with it before it gets a seal of approval from me. My initial thoughts though, its alright.