.NET application - runs in US, crashes in UK

Feb 15, 2002
Hey everyone,

I've written an application for my job that works fine in the States but crashes when run on a UK computer. Both systems meet the requirements (.Net 2.0 installed).

I'm not using any sort of date conversion or time conversion. I can't figure out what might cause the program I've written to run fine on US systems but crash when run on the UK system. Are there any localization measures I should be taking? Do I need to add another reference or something?

So frustrating..
Missing library perhaps? Any clues in your application or event logs? More info is definitely needed.
Missing library perhaps? Any clues in your application or event logs? More info is definitely needed.

Yeah, unfortunatley the guy whos running it in the UK didn't provide me with much info. I'll have to get it from him when I go into work on Monday. Just for the heck of it I tried to run it from my home computer and it worked fine too.

Guess we'll see... it's a strange problem to be sure.
What kind of crash? An unhanded exception? What's the stack trace to the exception? What kind of exception? What log events get written?

Most people here are happy to help, but none of them are psychic. You'll need to give some information about the symptoms before anyone can propose a reasoned cure.
"the guy" .... I can assume one person experiences the crash in the UK. I am not sure that constitutes the entire country.

Just throwing it out there.